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The ancient temple's massive stone pillars had begun to crumble.这座古庙的大石柱已经开始碎裂了。Brighton have too many experienced players to crumble just because we are in town.布赖顿队有很多经验丰富的队员,他们不会因为我们在城里就丧失斗志。Harlan found even his granite optimism beginning to crumble.哈伦发现甚至是自己坚定的乐观情绪也开始瓦解。It only takes a minute for the football hopes of an entire country to crumble.仅用了一分钟,全国民众的足球梦想就化为了泡影。Part of the roof had rotted away and the exposed plaster was beginning to crumble.屋顶的一部分已经朽烂,暴露的灰浆开始脱落。Have you ever eaten rhubarb crumble?你吃过大黄酥皮甜点心吗?The cliff face was starting to crumble into the sea.悬崖表面开始崩塌,碎石坠入大海。He is a ruthless leader who isn't likely to crumble under pressure.他是个冷酷无情的领导者,重压之下也不会倒下。Roughly crumble the cheese into a bowl.把干酪大致弄碎,装入一只碗内。The masonry of the old building began to crumble.旧楼房的砖石结构开始崩落。After years of neglect the house began to crumble.那所房子因长年失修而开始损坏了。The masonry of the old castle began to crumble.古堡的砖石结构开始崩落。His confidence is starting to crumble.他的自信心开始动摇了。The external walls of the castle are beginning to crumble.城堡的外墙开始剥落。The cliffs on which the houses are built are starting to crumble.上面建有房屋的悬崖开始倾颓瓦解。Beat the eggs, crumble the cheese, and mix together.打匀鸡蛋,弄碎干酪,再把两样东西拌匀。He is a skilled and ruthless leader who isn't likely to crumble under pressure.他是个经验丰富、冷酷无情的领导,不会被压力击垮。 |