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词汇 菲利普
例句 I don't know much about the project - it's Philip's baby.我对这个项目不怎么了解——那是菲利普负责的。We were quite different in outlook, Philip and I.我和菲利普的世界观截然不同。Did Philip pay up on time?菲利普按时还钱了吗?Philippe was in uniform, wearing a pistol holster on his belt.菲利普身着制服,腰带上别着手枪皮套。The news was so exciting that Philip could hardly contain himself.消息太振奋人心了,以至于菲利普几乎无法控制自己的情绪。Philip paced the floor, a typically nervous expectant father.菲利普在地板上踱来踱去,一副典型的神经紧张的准爸爸形象。Philip, the head of the confederacy, planned the mischief.密谋团体的头子菲利普策划了这件坏事。He was tempted to spill out his problems to Philip.他很想把自己的问题透漏给菲利普Philip set about the task with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm.菲利普以无穷的精力和热情开始了这项任务。Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can.菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。Philip found himself in a large playground surrounded by high brick walls.菲利普发现自己来到了一个大操场上,周围是用砖砌起的高墙。How about Philip? Is he coming too?菲利普怎么样?他也要来吗?Composers like Philip Glass have made contemporary music more popular.菲利普·格拉斯这一类作曲家使现代音乐更普及了。From across the room, I noticed that Philip was giving me a seductive stare.我从房间那头看到菲利普用诱人的眼光注视着我。He helped Philip to a gin and tonic of giant proportions.他给菲利普斟了一大杯金汤力。Philip pushed him towards the door.菲利普把他往门口推。I would have no hesitation in recommending Philip for the position.我非常愿意推荐菲利普担任这一职务。She's done her part of the job. The rest is up to Phillip.她已经干完了自己那部分的工作,其他的由菲利普负责。Their dialogue was interrupted by Philip's voice.他们的对话被菲利普的话音打断。Nina couldn't take her eyes off Philip.尼娜无法将她的视线从菲利普身上移开。Philip and I pooled our savings to start up my business.我和菲利普把积蓄凑到一起开办了我的公司。For a while the shock of Philippe's letter numbed her.菲利普来信的打击让她愣了好一会儿。For a while the shock of Philip's letter numbed her.菲利普来信的打击让她半天缓不过神来。Philip choked on his drink.菲利普喝饮料时被呛到了。Philip mouthed something through the glass which she did not hear.菲利普隔着玻璃说了些什么,可是她没有听见。Philip was fretting about his exams.菲利普正在为他的考试发愁。Both plays were published under the pseudonym of Philip Dayre.两个剧本都是以菲利普·戴尔的笔名出版的。With another day's work in the can, Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat.又干完了一天的活,菲利普满心愉悦地离开了广袤的乡村,前往自己位于伦敦的公寓。He was first cousin to King Philip VI.他是国王菲利普六世的同辈表亲。Their attitude only seemed to spur Philip on.他们的态度似乎反倒只是促使菲利普继续下去。Philippe was in uniform.菲利普身穿制服。Philip angled his chair towards the door.菲利普把自己的椅子朝门口斜移过去。We'd got halfway across before Philip realized he'd left his money at home.我们走到半路菲利普才意识到他把钱忘在家里了。Philip's efforts clearly deserve praise.菲利普的努力明显应得到赞扬。A malicious rumour went round that Philip had something to do with the murder.流传着一个恶毒的谣言,说菲利普和这桩凶杀案有牵连。Mildred and Philip were able to get a table to themselves.米尔德里德和菲利普弄到了一张他们两人独享的桌子。Philip's head began to ache.菲利普的头开始痛起来。Philip's boast is that he started out without any outside financial backing.菲利普所引以自豪的是他的起家没有依赖任何外来的资助。Philip sang the first verse and then everyone joined in.菲利普唱了第一节,然后大家就一起唱了起来。The doctors were surprised at Phillip's quick recovery.医生对菲利普的迅速康复感到惊讶。




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