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词汇 cruelly
例句 He was cruelly beaten.他被暴打了一顿。Police allege that Ellis cruelly and unnaturally treated the two women in her care.警方指控埃利斯丧尽天良,虐待她护理的两名女子。War would redound on the winner's head just as cruelly as on the loser's.战争反过来给胜利者造成和失败者同样惨重的打击。Hundreds of innocent civilians were cruelly slaughtered.数百名无辜平民遭残杀。The prisoners were so cruelly beaten that some even died in captivity.囚犯们遭到了毒打,有的甚至死在牢狱之中。She can't bear seeing animals treated cruelly.她不忍看动物遭人虐待。She treats the horse cruelly.她对这匹马很残忍。Women had to corset themselves cruelly to achieve those tiny waists.以前女人们得毫不留情给自己穿上紧身褡,好束出诸如此般不盈一握的腰身。He closed the door behind him, leaving her cruelly defenceless against his bitter attack.他关上门,任由她对他的毒打毫无反抗能力,十分残酷。He was cruelly neglected by his parents.父母狠心地任由他无人照顾。The other girls teased her cruelly because she was different.因为她和别人不一样,其他女孩子就无情地嘲笑她。How can you turn away from a child that is being cruelly treated?你怎么能对一个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢?The Princess was cruelly cast aside when she failed to produce an heir.公主由于不能诞下继承人,被无情地抛弃了。They were cruelly denied victory by a header from Reece.里斯的头球残酷地葬送了他们的胜利。She cannot endure to see animals cruelly treated.她不忍眼看动物遭受虐待。His life has been cruelly shattered by an event not of his own making.他的一生悲惨地被一件原本与他无关的事毁了。He was outclassed by a team that cruelly exposed his lack of pace.有一队人超过了他,他缺乏速度这一点暴露无遗。The child had been cruelly beaten.这孩子被狠狠打了一顿。Douglas was often cruelly tormented by jealous siblings.道格拉斯经常被嫉妒他的兄弟姐妹整得很惨。The job was cruelly difficult.那工作极其困难。The woman was cruelly knocked about by her husband.那女人受到她丈夫的毒打。Her hopes were cruelly dashed when her parents refused to let her go.父母拒绝让她去,她的希望惨遭破灭。




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