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词汇 cruel
例句 She was at the mercy of her cruel husband.她任凭残酷的丈夫摆布。Concerns about cruel farming methods converted her to vegetarianism.对于残酷的畜牧方法的关注使她转变成了素食主义者。This is a backward and cruel society, in which people are executed for homosexuality and adultery.这是个落后、残暴的社会,其人民会因同性恋和通奸被处死。He suffered cruel taunts as he spent his early years in leg braces.在早年使用腿部矫形器时他受到了无情的嘲弄。No doubt I'm biased, but it was the most cruel, evil human face I ever set eyes on.我固然是有偏见的,但那是我所见到的最残忍、最邪恶的人。She learned the hard way that life can be cruel for a woman alone in a big city.她辛酸地体认到,在大城市里一个孤身女人的生活是很艰难的。Fate has dealt her a cruel blow.命运给了她沉重的打击。I thought it was rather cruel of them to give her all the dirty work.我觉得他们把所有的脏活都推给她干太狠心了。She left her cruel and abusive husband.她离开了残忍暴虐的丈夫。It is plainly cruel to keep turtles as pets.显然,养海龟作宠物十分残忍。She was unspeakably cruel.她的残忍无法形容。Bill's mockery of his dad was cruel, but it made us laugh.比尔模仿他爸爸的做法有点残忍,不过我们都被逗笑了。The death of their beloved son was a cruel blow.他们的爱子之死是一痛苦的打击。You've been the victim of a rather cruel deception.你是一场相当残忍的骗局的受害者。It's a cruel world.这是一个残酷的世界。She has written a cruel parody of his book.她的模仿之作对他的那本书进行了无情的嘲讽。The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been.风不像之前那么凛冽和猛烈了。Don't you think it's cruel to cage a creature up?你不认为把动物关进笼里太残忍了吗?Life has dealt them some cruel blows in recent years. 最近几年里,他们厄运连连。Almost at the end of the letter the cruel truth emerged.在信的结尾处终于道出了残酷的事实。She was aghast at the thought of marrying the cruel man.一想到要嫁给那个残暴的男子,她就吓坏了。He had done nothing to deserve such cruel treatment.他并没有做错什么,却受到如此残忍的对待。That was a mean/cruel/kind/generous/thoughtful thing to do.那是件卑鄙/残忍/善良/慷慨/考虑周到的事。He's a cruel, hateful beast!他是个没人性的可恶的畜生。You may well look ashamed, that was a cruel thing to do.你完全应该感到惭愧,看你干了件多残忍的事。This is a cruel practice that should be banned immediately.这是个残忍的习俗,应该立即禁止。He had a cruel and vicious streak.他个性残忍凶狠。My father drank too much and was often very cruel to my mother.我父亲酗酒,而且常常对母亲很凶暴。It almost beggars belief that anyone can be so cruel.真是难以置信,竟有人会如此残忍。I have nothing but scorn for people who are cruel to animals.对于残忍对待动物的那些人我只有鄙视。Fortunately, Robert was spared this cruel fate.罗伯特有幸免遭这一残酷结局。He was a cruel king who was feared and hated by his subjects.他是个令臣民又怕又恨的暴君。He was a cruel and vicious man.他是一个残忍凶狠的男人。What you said about Barbara is cruel and vicious slander.你所说的关于芭芭拉的话是恶毒中伤。The prison's warden was a cruel martinet.那个监狱看守是一个对犯人严厉冷酷的人。Her conscience pricked her every time she thought of how cruel she had been to Kirby.一想到自己对柯比曾经那么残酷,她就内疚心痛。She supports a ban on kosher and halal slaughter, believing that such methods are cruel.她支持取缔犹太教和伊斯兰教屠宰方式,认为那些方法太残忍。Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel.动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。I don't think she's got it in her to be cruel.我认为她残忍不起来。I get upset when I see people being cruel to animals.我看到有人虐待动物,心里就会很难过。




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