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词汇 莎拉
例句 Sara closed the door firmly.莎拉把门紧紧地关上。I went with my gut and chose Sarah to lead the team.我听从了直觉,选择莎拉领导队伍。The old lady is a sight cleverer than Sarah.这老太太可比莎拉聪明多了。Sarah seemed perfectly at ease with the situation in which she found herself.莎拉似乎对当下自己所处的境况感到很自在。Sarah was looking after the twins.莎拉当时正在照看那对双胞胎。Sara snorted a laugh.莎拉冷笑了一声。She's deputing the organization of the exhibition to Sara.她正把展会的组织工作委托给莎拉处理。Sarah can be quite vicious at times.莎拉有时相当狠毒。Sarah 's anger begins to melt as Ian admits to his fears.当伊恩承认自己很恐惧时,莎拉的愤怒开始平息。The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah realized what a complete idiot she had been.第二天早上,莎拉回过头来冷静地想了想,意识到自己当时是多么的愚蠢。Sara and I read the story and marvelled.莎拉和我读了这个故事惊叹不已。Sarah went to work as a labourer at a sawmill.莎拉去了一家锯木厂当工人。There's no need to go hog wild just because it's Sarah's birthday - she won't want such a fuss.仅仅因为今天是莎拉的生日就冲动过了头,这实在是没必要,她不想小题大做。Sara Lewis' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing.莎拉·刘易斯的食谱相当丰富,聚会必然会热闹有趣。Sarah has typically British fair skin.莎拉有着典型英国人的白皙皮肤。Sarah lifted her hand and started twirling a strand of hair.莎拉抬起手来,开始把一缕头发绕来绕去。Sarah's here and raring to meet you.莎拉来了,她急着要见你。Sara's worried stiff about her Gran.莎拉十分担心她的祖母。Today Sarah became jovial and expansive.今天莎拉变得快活而健谈。The company wrote and apologized for their mistake, but by then Sarah was past caring.那家公司写信来为他们的错误道歉,但那时候莎拉已不在乎此事了。Sarah finds great satisfaction in her work.莎拉从工作中得到了巨大的满足。This home seemed like a good placement for Sarah.这个家庭看起来像是安置莎拉的一个好选择。




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