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词汇 药品
例句 They have a store of biodefence drugs and vaccines that can be flown anywhere in the nation within twelve hours.他们在某处存储了用于生物武器防卫的药品和疫苗,可以在十二小时内空运至全国任何地方。It's the first and only drug of its kind.它是第一个也是目前唯一的此类药品They can make and sell the drug only so long as the epidemic lasts.只要疫情持续,他们就可以制售这种药品The company manufactures pharmaceuticals.这家公司生产药品The drug was tested over a five-week period.那种药品进行了为期五周的试验。Taking long-term courses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.长期服用某些药品可能会增加感染的可能性。We want to use those assets for humanitarian relief to get some food and medicine to these children.我们想将那些资产用于人道主义援助,给这些孩子买些食物和药品He was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of distributing illegal steroids.他被指分销非法类固醇药品,被联邦大陪审团起诉。She became ill after unknowingly taking an illegal drug.她无意中服用了一种非法药品,病倒了。Medicine should always be stored in a cool place.所有药品都应该储存在阴凉处。Fresh water and medicines were scarce in the flooded region.洪灾区缺乏淡水和药品People in hospitals are dying because of shortage of medicine.由于药品匮乏,医院里的病人濒临死亡。Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus.事实证明各种药品都对这种病毒不起作用。Taking long-term courses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.长期服用某类药品可能会增加感染的可能性。They are perilously low on food and medical supplies.他们严重缺乏食物和药品All medicines should be kept out of children's reach.所有药品都应该放在儿童够不到的地方。Truckloads of food and medical supplies arrived in the refugee camp.一车车食品和药品被送到了难民营。The drug is contraindicated in patients with certain allergies.对某些特定物质过敏的患者忌用这种药品Drugs can be sold under different brand names throughout the EU.药品可以用不同的商标在欧盟各国出售。Some drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal in combination.某些药品在分开服用时是安全的,但在混合服用时则会致命。She argues persuasively that the drug should be legal.她雄辩地主张那种药品应该合法。I tend to flush old medicines down the toilet.我往往用马桶冲走过期药品Participants in the program can purchase certain preapproved medications at a discounted price.这个活动的参与者可以折扣价购买一些提前审批的药品The two drugs are pharmacologically similar.这两种药品药理学作用相似。The medicine helps to alleviate wind and ease colicky pain.这种药品有助于缓解肠气问题,从而减轻急性腹痛。Trucks loaded with food and medicine waited at the border.装载食物和药品的卡车在边境待命。Some of the medicines were out of date, which was in itself dangerous.其中一些药品已经过期,这本身就很危险。These drugs will not be used if hemorrhage is the cause of the stroke.药品禁忌症:出血性中风忌用。Aid agencies are calling for local volunteers to help them distribute food and medicine.救援机构呼吁当地志愿者帮助他们分发食物和药品The biggest difference between the brand-name drugs and the generics is price.品牌药品和仿制药品之间的最大差别是价格。Even a small amount of the drug can be detected in the test.即使是很少量的药品也能在检查中检测出来。Within a year of its introduction, questions began to emerge about the safety of the drug.投入使用不到一年,有关这种药品安全的问题就已经出现了。Marino obtained the drugs by forging his doctor's signature on a prescription.马里诺在处方上伪造医生签名获得药品The medicine is injected directly into the muscle.这种药品用于肌肉注射。The money raised will go a long way towards providing essential food and medicine.筹集到的资金将会为保障基本食品和药品的供应发挥巨大作用。Doctors have found a new use for the drug.医生们发现了这种药品的新用途。The paper carried the front-page headline 'Drugs Company Shamed'.该报的头版标题是《药品公司蒙羞》。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。The people are starving and they need all the food and medical supplies we can give them.那里的人民正在挨饿,他们需要我们尽量提供食物和药品Drugs are sold under different brand names throughout the world.药品以不同的品牌名称在世界各地销售。




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