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词汇 荒谬
例句 He could not account for his foolish mistake.他无法解释他所犯的荒谬的错误。The mayor was condemned for the monstrous malfeasance of his administration.由于其政府的荒谬违法行为,市长被宣告有罪。It was ludicrous to leave the reigns of power in a single ruler.把统治大权交在一个人手中实在荒谬It's crazy that unemployment is sky-high while so many companies are still understaffed.失业率极高,却还有那么多公司人手不足,这真是荒谬What you're saying is totally ridiculous.你的话荒谬至极。Jenkins’ explanation of the situation is patently absurd.詹金斯对这件事的解释显然很荒谬The play's dialog borders on the ridiculous.这部剧的对话近乎荒谬The fallacy of such a suit for military use should at once be apparent.以这种衣服做军服,其荒谬是一目了然的。The free discussion is carried to even more absurd lengths.自由讨论往往钻到更加荒谬的牛角尖去。She is far too sensible to believe these ridiculous lies.她很聪明,不会去相信这些荒谬的谎言的。The whole idea was preposterous.整个想法太荒谬了。It was a ridiculous suggestion.那是个荒谬的建议。He is living/laboring under the delusion that he is incapable of making mistakes.他一直生活/工作在自己不会犯错的荒谬想法中。The whole idea sounds absolutely insane to me.整个主意在我看来荒谬至极。The charges against him are obviously/patently absurd.针对他的指控显然很荒谬The idea that all men, or all women, can be clubbed together - bad on one side and good on the other - is ridiculous.那种认为所有男人或所有女人都能分为一拨好人和一拨坏人的想法是荒谬的。It's ridiculous that we have to wait six weeks.我们得等六个星期,这太荒谬了。Gil says that women can't keep secrets. That's rich, coming from him, the professional sneak.吉尔说女人不能保守秘密。这话从他这样一个整天打小报告的人嘴里说出来真是太荒谬了。You couldn't make it up.这种荒谬的事谁也编不出来的。He called the original broadcast a grotesque distortion.他称原来的广播是荒谬的歪曲。How utterly ridiculous!多么荒谬His work has been held up to ridicule. 他的作品被认为是荒谬的。It's nonsensical to blame all the world's troubles on one man.把世界上所有的麻烦都归咎于一个人是很荒谬的。What absolute nonsense.荒谬至极。I am going to go to the ends of the earth to make sure something is done about these ridiculous laws.我将不遗余力地确保这些荒谬的法律得到改进。It is ludicrous to suggest that she was a government agent.说她是一名政府特工人员实在荒谬Well, it's the old argument Max, which is a bit ridiculous if you don't mind me saying so.哦,马克斯,又是那个很老套且有点儿荒谬的争论,如果你不介意我这么说的话。He had an irrational belief that everybody was his enemy.他有个荒谬的信念,以为人人都是他的仇敌。The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin courts.荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。Several members of the government have said they regard the Minister's statement as ridiculous.几名政府官员说他们认为那位大臣的说法简直是荒谬For some insane reason he decided to do the whole journey in one day.由于某种荒谬的原因,他决定仅用一天时间完成整个旅程。The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.政府凭空想出某个荒谬的计划,想通过它让失业青年重新找到工作。This was too incredible, too fantastic to be real.这太荒谬,太难以置信了,不可能是真的。Absurdly, it makes shoppers overpay farmers to grow too much food.荒谬的是,这样会使得购物者支付过多的钱让农民去种太多的粮食。His suggestion borders on the ridiculous.他的建议近乎荒谬A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind.一个荒谬的念头突然在哈里脑中闪现。He's beginning to realize the absurdity of the situation.他开始意识到这种情形是多么荒谬His conduct in this affair caps the climax of absurdity.他在这件事情上的行为荒谬之极。There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.这项荒谬的提议招来无数批驳意见。The author has overdrawn the villain to the point of absurdity.作者把那个反面人物夸张到了荒谬的地步。




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