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词汇 苏联
例句 Bananas, once rarities in Soviet states, are now widely available.苏联曾一度是稀有之物的香蕉,现在随处都可见到。The grandfather of Soviet football had also been mentor to the young Mikhailichenko.这位苏联足球前辈还曾经指点过年轻的米哈伊利琴科。He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system.他成为旧的苏联体制直言不讳的抨击者。Gorbachev wanted to make all strikes illegal, but the Soviet parliament refused to accept such a ban.戈尔巴乔夫想立法禁止一切罢工,但苏联议会拒绝接受这一禁令。The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.苏联解体使西方情报机构丧失了主敌。Slowing the arms race relieved pressure on the Soviet economic system.放慢军备竞赛速度减轻了苏联经济体制所面临的压力。I approached an Intourist official, as per instructions.我按照指示接洽了一位苏联国际旅行社官员。Working wives were the norm throughout the Soviet era.在整个苏联时期,妻子出去工作是很平常的事。The newspaper Pravda was the official organ of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.《真理报》曾是苏联共产党的官方报纸。The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.苏联解体使西方情报机构丧失了主要敌人。But his credibility as a prophet of peace was shaken by his advocacy of a preventive war against the Soviet Union.然而他作为和平倡导者的公信力却因主张发动一场对苏联的预防性战争而受到动摇。Launched by the Soviets in 1957, the Sputnik was the first satellite in the world.苏联人在一九五七年发射的人造卫星是世界上的第一颗人造卫星。The Soviet Union was suddenly revealed as a paper tiger.苏联突然被揭出了纸老虎的原形。He was one of a group of Soviet émigrés living in New York.他是居住在纽约的一批苏联流亡者中的一员。He reached a high level within the Soviet political hierarchy.在(前)苏联的政治等级制下他获得了很高的地位。He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union.他警告西方国家不要试图对苏联发号施令。The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.苏联为形势所迫同纳粹德国签订了一项条约。Roughly a quarter of the area came under Soviet control.该地区约有四分之一的地方受苏联管辖。For decades, many of Malevich's works were consigned to the basements of Soviet museums.数十年里,马列维奇的许多作品被堆弃在苏联博物馆的地下室里。Since the disintegration of the USSR, there has been only one superpower - the US自从苏联解体后,世界上就只剩下了一个超级大国——美国。People tend to lump the Stasi in with the Soviet Union.人们常常认为东德的国家安全部和苏联是一伙的。This is an interesting look at Soviet foreign policy.这是对苏联外交政策的一种趣味性解读。US naval and air superiority was paralleled by Soviet superiority in land-based missile systems.苏联在陆基导弹系统方面的优势与美国在海军和空军方面的优势不相上下。She travelled at her own expense to the Soviet Union.她自费去苏联旅行了一趟。The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened.苏联对东欧的控制已经放松。With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the East European bloc disbanded as well. .苏联瓦解之后,东欧集团也形同解散。The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.苏联变得急于想把它的军队从阿富汗困局中撤出来。For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union was a one-party state.七十多年来,苏联一直是一党执政的国家。This is an unprecedentedly informal approach by Soviet standards.苏联的标准,这是一种无比轻松随意的方式。The rest of the world was in recession, but the Soviet economy remained unaffected.世界上其他地方的经济都在衰退,唯独苏联没有受到影响。The Soviet Union extended all the way from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.苏联领土一直从波罗的海延伸至太平洋。Food for the ordinary Soviet troops and NCOs was very poor.苏联普通士兵的伙食很糟糕。Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics to declare independence.立陶宛是(前)苏联中第一个宣布独立的国家。He passed along everything he saw and heard to his contact at the Soviet embassy.他把自己看到和听到的一切都报告给苏联大使馆的接头人。The West accused the Soviet Union of bad faith.西方国家谴责苏联不讲信义。Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.戈尔巴乔夫没能把苏联各成员国团结在一起。These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union.苏联的最新产品要远比这些飞机性能优越。Soviet military hardware enabled Iraq to wage war against Iran.苏联的武器装备使伊拉克有能力对伊朗发动战争。The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened.苏联对东欧的控制减弱了。The Soviet Union had signed a non-aggression pact with Germany.苏联与德国签署了互不侵犯条约。




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