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词汇 花费
例句 The fee includes the cost of testing the electric wiring.费用包括测试供电线路的花费It was said that he went to great expense to install a lift in the building.据说他花费巨资在大楼里安装了一台电梯。She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.她正在索赔医药费和其他花费Please bill me for any expenses you incur.请把你的所有花费都记在我的账上。The cost in dollars is easily figured.金钱方面的花费很容易计算。In its early years, the NHS greatly overshot its budget.英国国民健康服务体系建立的头几年,花费大大超出了预算。The proposal was not well thought out; moreover, it would have been too expensive.这个建议本身就不好,而且实施起来花费也太大。Whilst a Rolls Royce is a very nice car, it is extremely expensive to maintain.劳斯莱斯虽然是非常不错的车,但保养这种车花费极大。Furnishing a new home can be very expensive.为新家配备家具可能花费很大。It will cost in the region of $500.它大约得花费五百美元。The engineering group are trying to cast off an image of corporate excess.这家工程集团公司正在努力摆脱企业花费无度的形象。The philosopher spent years elaborating his ideas.这位哲学家花费了数年时间深化他的理念。The cleanup costs of the oil spill will be in the millions of dollars.清理泄露石油将花费数百万美元。I don't know the precise cost, but I can give you a rough idea.我不知道确切的花费,但我可以大概告诉你一下。The divorce was a bitter parting that cost him financially as well as emotionally.离婚是苦涩的离别,他不但花费了金钱,也耗费了情感。She was upset with me about my expenses.她因为我的花费而对我生气。Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions.将你在奢侈品上的花费降至可控范围。We have to rein in our runaway spending.我们必须止住我们失控的花费I was expecting him to be horrified when he heard the cost but he didn't turn a hair.我本以为他听到花费数目后会大为震惊,可他居然毫无反应。At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.乍一看,有机耕作对农民而言似乎花费大多了。This brochure lists the hotels in ascending order of cost.这本小册子按照花费由少到多的顺序列出各家酒店。Central government is trying to stop local authorities overspending.中央政府试图阻止地方政府花费超支。I don't think anyone can justify spending so much money on weapons.我认为谁都无法为花费这么多军费作合理解释。Eleanor did not put much energy into the discussion.埃莉诺没有为这次讨论花费太多精力。These costs have mushroomed in recent years.近年来这些花费增长很快。A great deal of time has been spent on developing this software.开发这款软件已花费了大量的时间。It took her years to perfect her craft.花费了多年心血来完善技艺。The cost of repairs was huge, not to mention the aggravation.修理的花费巨大,更不用说让人心烦了。The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.公司一直在推卸责任,但同意这一调解方案以避免漫长的诉讼所带来的花费A lot less time is now spent entering the data.现在输入数据花费的时间少多了。A great deal of time and money has been expended on creating a pleasant office atmosphere.为创造舒心的办公环境已花费了大量的时间和金钱。The chief editor spends a lot on smokes and liquor each year.主编每年在烟酒两项上花费很大。The work took up all his time.那工作花费了他所有的时间。The new scheme will involve us in only minimal expense.新计划将使我们只需花费最少的钱。It cost too much to get the car repaired.修好这辆车花费太大了。If you take inflation into account, we actually spend less now.如果你把通货膨胀考虑进去,我们现在其实花费少了。Health spending has increased in absolute terms, but not as a proportion of national income.医疗花费在绝对数目上有所增长,但在国民收入中所占的比例没有增长。We've spent a lot on the children's education.我们在孩子的教育上花费甚多。Meetings, and the time for them, are a considerable management expense.会议及所费时间是一笔颇大的管理花费We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.我们感谢他为这一计划花费的时间和金钱。




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