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词汇 花言巧语
例句 Don't fall for his sweet talk.别被他的花言巧语给骗了。He tried to charm her with flattering palaver.他曾试图用花言巧语迷惑她。Don't listen to any of his blarney!别听他的花言巧语She coaxed her father to let her go to the dance.花言巧语说服了父亲让她去参加舞会。She tried to flannel me, but I knew she was talking nonsense.她想用花言巧语让我上当,但我知道她说的都是废话。Critics have called the Senator a smooth-talking snake-oil peddler.批评家称这位参议员为花言巧语的骗子。She fell for a charming, fast-talking grifter.她相信了一个魅力十足、花言巧语的骗财者。She gave her parents a song and dance about having to use their car.花言巧语地骗她父母她为什么必须用他们的车。Don't give me that jive, I know you did it.别对我花言巧语,我知道是你干的。He has the ability to snow anybody.他有本领用花言巧语去说服任何人。They'd been promised a big return on their investments, but all they got was a snow job.他们得到许诺说自己的投资会有巨额回报,但这一切都是花言巧语He wheedled his way into his current job.他靠花言巧语骗到了目前这份工作。Large firms lure customers away with slick advertising.大公司以花言巧语的广告拉走顾客。A smooth-talking young man was offering to buy her a drink.一个花言巧语的年轻人提出要请她喝一杯。He's managed to get as far as he has through slick talking and trickery.靠着花言巧语和耍花招,他终于把想要的弄到了手。The reporter cajoled information from the hospital staff.记者花言巧语地从医院工作人员那里骗得了消息。You can sweet-talk me all night long, but I'm not going home with you!你可以花言巧语哄我一晚上,但我是不会跟你回家的!He was so plausible that he conned everybody.他那么会花言巧语,以至于骗过了所有的人。I trusted his fair promises.我轻信了他那些花言巧语的允诺。She wheedled money out of him.她用花言巧语从他那儿骗走钱。He talked me into marrying him. He also talked me into having a baby.花言巧语让我嫁给了他,又说服我生了个孩子。What's the use of all this slick talking?这一切花言巧语有什么用呢?The media, once again, is giving us a snow job.媒体再次以花言巧语劝说我们。He fast-talked the old woman out of a large piece of her property.花言巧语,骗走了那个老太太一大笔财产。My roommate cajoled me into lending him money for pizza.我的室友花言巧语地游说我借钱给他买比萨饼。She was beguiled by his smooth talk.她被他的花言巧语吸引住了。She'd heard he was a musician and blagged a tape off a friend of his.她听说他是个音乐家,就花言巧语从他朋友那里要了一盘带子。Whenever he wants to borrow money from me, he will try to sugar the pill by saying that he will return the money very soon.每次他来向我借钱,总是花言巧语,说很快就会把钱还我。I never feel that that fellow is really sincere; he's too mealy-mouthed.我从不认为那家伙是真心实意的;他太会花言巧语了。The luckless lady fell for his silver-tongued charm.那位女士不幸被他的花言巧语给骗了。He gave us a long song and dance about how he needed money to get home.花言巧语地大谈他如何急需钱回家。That sort of persuasion doesn't rate a damn with me.那种花言巧语我连听也不要听。You know nothing. She snowed you completely.你什么都不知道。她的花言巧语完全骗了你。Quinn charmed credulous investors out of millions of dollars.奎因花言巧语从轻信的投资者那里骗取了数百万美元。He wheedled quite a bit of money from her.他用花言巧语骗了她许多钱。At first Lewis resisted their blandishments.起初,刘易斯并没有受他们花言巧语的诱惑。Don't get carried away by the sales patter.不要被推销员的花言巧语弄得忘乎所以。Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman.达利是个花言巧语的爱尔兰裔美国人,最初是干推销员的。I managed to sweet-talk her into driving me home.我用花言巧语哄得她开车送我回家。She was charmed by his blarney.她被他的花言巧语迷惑了。




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