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The garden is a memorial to one of the finest Victorian gardeners.这座花园是对维多利亚时期一位最优秀的花匠的纪念。She works as a gardener for the local council.她是当地市政委员会的花匠。The gardener's tools are kept in the shed.花匠的工具放在小屋里。The gardener is pinching off the young shoots.花匠正在掐掉嫩枝。The gardener exploded with the rage that had simmered all morning.花匠憋了一个早上的愤怒终于爆发了。Any farmer or gardener knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season.农民和花匠都知道,冬天越暖和,作物的生长季节便越长。He kept both an inside man and a gardener.他同时雇有一名室内男仆和一个花匠。It was the gardener who delivered the fatal blow.是花匠给了致命的一击。Some plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners.有些植物反而喜欢阴暗,这对想找些植物种在阴暗角落里的花匠来说真是好事。They employ a nanny, cleaner, and gardener.他们雇用了一个保姆、一个清洁工和一个花匠。 |