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词汇 芬芳
例句 The fragrance of lilacs always reminds me of spring.丁香花的芬芳总是让我想起春天。These trees are valuable for autumn colour, fruits and flowers. Many have fragrance as an added bonus.这些树色彩缤纷,会结出果实或开出花朵,让秋天平添一分韵味。许多树还会散发芬芳A scent of lemon and eucalyptus wafted up from the gardens.一股柠檬和桉树的芬芳从花园飘来。Jasmine flowers perfumed the air.茉莉花使空气充满了芬芳Diane loved the blossoms and the heady aroma of the wild rose bush.黛安娜喜欢野蔷薇丛的花儿和它醉人的芬芳I let my lungs fill with the scented air.我深深呼吸着芬芳的空气。The air was filled with the scent of lilac.空气中弥漫着丁香花的芬芳Fragrance dispensers are designed to mask unpleasant smells.芬芳剂的目的就是掩盖不好的气味。The air was full of sweet, drowsy scents.空气里充满芬芳的、让人昏昏欲睡的气息。That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us.森林里那种馥郁芬芳的迷人气味围绕着我们。The air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms.空气中弥漫着橘子花的芬芳There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume.那里有两棵柠檬树,我不禁驻足品味柠檬的芬芳That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloped us.森林里的那种馥郁芬芳的香气围绕着我们。We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens.我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园。




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