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词汇 crossed
例句 We crossed at the narrowest part of the river.我们从河道最窄的地方渡过。Thousands of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.成千上万的人穿过边境寻求庇护,以躲避战争。He crossed to the window of the sitting room and parted the curtains.他走到客厅窗户边,拉开了窗帘。When we'd crossed the border, we started to relax.一穿过边境,我们便放松下来。They crossed to the other side of the stream in search of cover.他们跨过小溪到对岸寻找隐蔽处。Troops crossed the border with Georgia.部队越过格鲁吉亚边境。He crossed the lawn and hurdled the short fence.他穿过草坪,跃过低矮的栅栏。It was pure luck that our paths crossed.我们在路上碰到了,这纯属幸运。Your unpunctuality crossed up the whole programme.你不遵守时间,把整个计划都打乱了。He was sitting there in the living room with his legs crossed.他盘腿坐在起居室里。The Governor crossed swords with Democrats over US policy.州长就美国政策与民主党人交锋。They crossed through the great desert.他们横穿过大沙漠。She had been watching the expression that crossed his face.她一直注视着他脸上掠过的表情。He's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force.他已经下定决心使用武力。He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park.他穿过街道,沿着中央公园走。We crossed the bridge in single file.我们排成一路纵队过桥。She crossed the room and sat in the armchair flanking the window seat.她穿过房间,坐在座位靠窗一侧的扶手椅上。The wires all crossed each other and formed a matrix.线路纵横交错形成一个电路网。A panicked look crossed his face.一丝恐慌的神色掠过他的脸庞。I've crossed swords with him on a number of issues.我在一些问题上和他有过争论。Egan crossed to the drinks cabinet and poured a Scotch.伊根穿行来到酒柜旁,倒了一杯苏格兰威士忌。Concorde crossed the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound.协和飞机以两倍声速飞越大西洋。Wally crossed the mirrored lobby, sucking in his paunch as he caught sight of himself.沃利穿过镶有镜子的通道,看到镜子里的自己时就往里收了收大肚子。They crossed the road during a lull in the traffic.他们趁车辆不多时穿过马路。A flicker of guilt crossed his face.他脸上闪过一丝愧意。He swivelled the camera on the tripod to follow her as she crossed the yard.她穿过庭院时,他转动脚架上的摄影机跟着她。They crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards.他们买通边防警卫,偷越国境。Fingers crossed for Friday!但愿星期五有好运!Cheques/postal orders should be crossed and made payable to Newmarket Promotions.应在支票/邮政汇票上画线,并使之可用于新市场促销活动的支付。I crossed myself as I entered the church.走进教堂时,我在自己身上画了十字。They criss-crossed the country by bus.他们乘公共汽车在全国往返奔波。Thousands of evacuees crossed the border to safety.数以千计的被疏散者越过边界到达了安全地带。A lone RAF plane crossed the Channel, then circled the field once.一架皇家空军飞机单独飞越英吉利海峡后在阵地上盘旋了一圈。She hung the washing out, then crossed her fingers for a dry day.她把洗好的衣物挂了出去,心里祈求天别下雨。Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street.查利从车流中间穿过,到了街对面。I crossed paths with an old friend on a business trip.我出差时偶遇了一位老友。Our paths first crossed when we were students at Yale.我们的第一次偶遇是在耶鲁大学念书的时候。We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.我们穿过架在蜿蜒小河上的一座小铁桥。They crossed the Channel in a storm.他们在暴风雨中渡过了英吉利海峡。A flicker of annoyance crossed his face.他的脸上掠过一丝恼怒的神情。




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