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In case of fire, the onus probandi rests with the captain.如果失火,船长有举证之责。Captain Cornish repeated his order to heave to.科尼什船长再次下达了停航的命令。The captain barked orders/commands to the crew.船长厉声向船员们下达了指令。I did once dream of becoming the first woman to captain an ocean liner.我的确曾经梦想成为第一位远洋客轮女船长。The captain of the boat was accused of ramming a patrol vessel.小船的船长被指控撞击一艘巡逻艇。The captain decided to lay to until the fog lifted.那位船长决定在雾散之前顶风停驶。The captain gave orders to jettison the cargo.船长下令投弃货物。The captain ordered the men below. 船长命令船员到底层甲板去。The Captain is a clement man.船长是个宽厚的人。The captain slapped his palm on the desk.船长一掌拍在桌子上。The captain was on the deck of the launch, steadying the boat for the pilot.船长站在汽艇甲板上为领航员保向。The ship's captain was a taciturn man who spoke only to give orders.这艘船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,只在发命令时才说话。Special kudos goes to Patrick Stewart for his role as the captain.特别荣誉归于扮演船长一角的帕特里克・斯图尔特。The captain piped all hands on deck.船长用长口哨召集在甲板上的所有船员。The captain cares for the safety of both the crew and the passengers.船长为船员和旅客的安全操心。The captain needs a select crew for this dangerous voyage.船长需要一批精选的水手来作此危险的航行。The captain added, in mitigation, that the engines may have been faulty.船长为了减轻责任补充说,发动机可能出了毛病。The captain navigated the ship.船长驾驶着船舶。The captain told the crew to prepare to receive a boarding party.船长告诉船员准备接受登船搜查队的检查。Captain Butler knows all about the latest ladies' fashions in Paris.巴特勒船长对巴黎的最新女性时尚了如指掌。The captain of the ship entered the details in the log.船长把详细情况记入航海日志中。Captain Picard commanded the crew to report to the main deck.皮德船长命令全体船员到主甲板上报到。The boat measured fifteen feet in length and four feet in breadth.这条船长十五英尺,宽四英尺。The captain's courage infected his men.船长的勇气感染了他的船员。The captain of the wrecked boat was accused of criminal negligence.那艘失事船的船长被指控过失犯罪。Ship's masters are in charge of a ship, its crew and any cargo it is carrying, at sea and in port.在海上和港口,船长对船只、船员和货物都有控制权。The captain gave the ship shore leave.船长让全体船员登岸休假。The captain had to rectify the compass reading.船长不得不校正罗经读数。The captain was stripped of his licence after the collision.撞船事故后,船长被吊销了执照。She undoubtedly met Captain Waite at sea.她在海上一定遇见了韦特船长。The captain ordered all passengers and crew into lifeboats.船长命令所有乘客和船员上救生艇。The seaman was colted by the captain for the mistake.为了这个过错,水手遭到船长的笞绳鞭打。The old captain was dead as a doornail.老船长确实已经死了。I've been on plenty of other ships where the old man watches when you get to port.我在很多其他船上呆过,在那些船上,每当船到港时船长会盯着你。Jared laughed delightedly and nudged the captain.贾里德高兴地笑了,并用肘推了推船长。The captain decided to withhold the terrible news even from his officers.船长决定哪怕是对高级船员也要封锁这个可怕的消息。The captain located the ship's position on the chart.船长在海图上确定了船只所处的位置。The captain mustered all hands on deck for a review.船长把所有船员召集到甲板上检阅。The captain ordered us to bring the ship about.船长命令我们调转船头。The captain briefed the crew on the new safety procedures.船长向全体船员简要介绍了新的安全规程。 |