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词汇 船只
例句 The new dockage in the Shanghai harbour will greatly expedite the offloading of ships.上海港的新码头设备将大大加速船只的卸货。Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard.船只扬起风帆,等待他们上船。The beam lighted the ship into the harbor.灯光指引船只进入港口。The ship was taken flat aback by a squall.迎头的暴风使船只完全动弹不得了。The Harbor was replete with boats.港口里满是船只The ships were allowed free passage into and out of the port.这些船只可以自由进出港口。Adverse winds hinder ships.逆风使船只受阻。We went down to the docks to watch the ships come in.我们去到港区,观看船只进港。Rescue planes and ships scoured the area where the plane went down.救援的飞机和船只在飞机失事的海域搜索。The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.政府只会在战争期间征募船只They embargoed those ships.他们禁止那些船只出入港口。The Harbor was replete with boats.港口里停满了船只Cruise ships and other boats filled the harbor.港口停满了大型游轮和其他船只The ship took on a dangerous cant to port.船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。During the gale the ships stayed in the harbor.刮大风时船只停泊在港内。Most ships unload at another dock now.现在大多数船只在另一个码头卸货。Ship's masters are in charge of a ship, its crew and any cargo it is carrying, at sea and in port.在海上和港口,船长对船只、船员和货物都有控制权。The ships were ordered to sea with all haste.船只奉命立刻出海。The boat tied up alongside the pier.船只在码头边靠岸停泊。The ships passed each other in the night.船只在夜间互相擦肩而过。The ship came slowly into the harbour, dwarfing all the surrounding boats.轮船渐渐驶进港口,使周围的所有船只都显得非常矮小。The torpedo sank the ship.鱼雷击沉了船只There are regular sailings from Portsmouth.船只定期从朴次茅斯驶出。They are finely engineered boats.这些船只设计制造精良。Ships use the canal to transit to the west.船只利用这条运河前往西方。The ships were cabled together in the harbour.船只在港内用缆绳系在一起。Ships sent messages to each other by radio.船只使用无线电互通信息。Once ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected.船只刚一靠岸就接受了彻底检查。The ships moved slowly inshore.船只慢慢地向岸边行驶。The ship was so slow it dropped far behind the rest of the convoy.该轮船开得很慢,远远地落在船队其他船只的后面。Loading and unloading ships is fatiguing work.船只装卸货物很累人。Tax agents are visiting more than 5,000 businesses that deal in expensive items such as cars, boats, and jewels.税务员查访了五千多家公司,这些公司都经营汽车、船只和珠宝等高价商品。The captain located the ship's position on the chart.船长在海图上确定了船只所处的位置。The safety of the ship is the captain's responsibility.船只的安全是船长的职责。The boat is propelled solely by wind power.这艘船只靠风力推进。There are boats for hire on the lake.湖上有船只供租用。The boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections.船只在苏格兰建造,分装运往埃及。Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.到目前为止,政府仅仅对美国船只实施了禁令。Ships load up at the large jetty.船只在这个大型防波堤处装载货物。The gigantic natural harbour of Poole is a haven for boats.巨型天然港普尔港是船只的避风港。




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