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词汇 舆论
例句 We need to exercise some spin control on this situation before we find ourselves in serious trouble.我们对这个局面需要一些引导舆论的工作,否则就会遇到大麻烦。The latest news has caused a turnaround in public opinion.最新消息导致了舆论的彻底转向。When his new book caused an unexpected controversy, he was thrust into the limelight once again. 他的新书引发了一场出乎意料的争论,他再一次被推到了舆论的风口浪尖。The consensus of opinion seems to be that the Prime Minister should resign.看来舆论一致认为首相应该辞职。Public opinion compelled her to sign the bill.舆论迫使她签署了这个法案。Public opinion may yet kill the proposal.舆论可能最终会扼杀这个提议。The oil companies had shown a total disregard for public opinion.石油公司根本不理会舆论Big companies think they can sometimes override local opinion.大公司认为它们对地方舆论有时候可以置之不理。Public opinion has moved on a great deal since then.从那时起,舆论已经有了很大的转变。There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued.对应当实行何种政策,舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。The tide of opinion seems in his favour.舆论之潮似乎对他有利。The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign.舆论的严厉指责迫使他辞职。The men who broke up the meeting put themselves out of court with public opinion.破坏集会的人使自己得不到舆论的支持。The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.支持全民公决的舆论呼声越来越高。Political influence is being used to shape public opinion and isolate critics.政治影响力正在被用来左右舆论,使批评家陷于孤立。The press is a mirror of public opinion.报刊是反映公共舆论的一面镜子。The tide of public opinion seems to be turning at last.舆论风向好像终于改变了。Despite the bad publicity, the candidate decided to brazen it out and stay in the race.虽然有负面的舆论,那位候选人还是决定硬着头皮继续参加竞选。The force of public opinion can help check abuses in modern politics.舆论的力量可以帮助制止现代政治中的弊端。The movie has the power to shape public opinion.这部电影有左右舆论的影响力。Public opinion has changed because of generational change.舆论因换了一代人而发生了变化。The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion.那个年轻政客在操纵舆论方面是个外行。Journalists on the whole don't create public opinion. They can help to nourish it.大体说来记者不制造舆论。他们会助长舆论Newspapers influence the current of public opinion.报纸影响舆论的倾向。Senator Lott is floating trial balloons to test public opinion on the bill.洛特参议员放出了试探性气球,看看舆论对这项议案的反应。The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.支持全民公决的舆论越来越高。Public opinion seemed sympathetic.舆论看来持支持态度。Some, I suppose, might even be in positions to influence opinion.有的人,我认为,甚至有可能影响舆论And what of the effect on U.S domestic opinion?.对美国国内的舆论有什么影响?This reaction is a sign of the discomfiture of the USA at the unanimity of opinion against it.美国的反应表明其对舆论的一致反对感到不安。The editorial was a blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion.这篇社论公然企图左右舆论Does television set the agenda on foreign policy?.电视舆论对外交政策有影响吗?The climate of opinion on the sensitive topic of euthanasia is changing gradually.在安乐死这个敏感话题上舆论趋向渐渐在改变。She had the star quality which would prompt an effluent of journalistic clichés.她具备引起媒体舆论的明星素质。Public opinion is currently running against the banking industry.目前舆论对银行业普遍表示不满。They got a firm hold on public opinion.他们牢牢控制着舆论The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign policy.大部分的舆论赞成新的外交政策。Public opinion blames Mrs. Smith for leading the girl astray.舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。He hasn't it in him to stand out in defiance of public opinion.他没能顶住舆论的压力。Television plays a dominant role in moulding public opinion.电视在影响舆论上起着主导作用。




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