例句 |
The American government classifies both asbestos and environmental tobacco smoke as class one carcinogens.美国政府将石棉和环境中的香烟烟雾列为第一类致癌物。Cigarette smoke contains known carcinogens.香烟中含有多种已知的致癌物。Asbestos is a known carcinogen.石棉是一种已知的致癌物。The pesticide is a suspected carcinogen.这种杀虫剂疑为致癌物。Cigarettes have been considered as a form of carcinogen for years. Millions of people die from smoking each year.香烟早就被认为是一种致癌物,每年都会有数百万人死于吸烟。Both are common pollutants and suspected carcinogens.两者都是常见污染物和可疑致癌物。 |