例句 |
The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.验尸官作出了自然死亡的结论。She died of natural causes after a lengthy illness.她长期生病,后来自然死亡。The post-mortem shows that death was due to natural causes.尸检表明是自然死亡。He died of natural causes.他是自然死亡的。I'm no expert, but I don't think Tracy died a natural death.我不是什么专家,但我不认为特蕾西是自然死亡。The autopsy said he had died of natural causes, but his family is not convinced.尸体解剖的结论说他是自然死亡,但他的家属不同意这种说法。I don't think Tracy died a natural death.我认为特蕾西不是自然死亡。He died of natural causes. 他是自然死亡的。 |