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词汇 critics
例句 His hunger has been sharpened by the critics who claimed his marriage had blunted his Grand Slam yearnings.批评家声称他的婚姻减弱了他夺取大满贯的理想,这让他夺冠的欲望变得越发强烈。Some critics say that the tax cuts only benefit wealthy people.一些评论家认为,减税只能惠及富人。Both candidates struck out at their critics.两位候选人对批评他们的人予以猛烈抨击。That'll silence the critics.那会封住批评者的嘴巴。Both films were mauled by the critics.两部电影都受到了评论家的抨击。Reality TV was officially pronounced dead by the critics.评论界正式宣布电视真人秀没有生命力。The critics damned the play on the first night.这出戏在首演之夜就被评论家批评得一无是处。The movie was panned by the critics.那部电影遭到了评论家的严厉批评。The movie got a thumbs-up from most critics. 这部影片得到了大多数评论家的好评。She is one of the most well-known critics of the American private school system.她是美国私立教育制度最知名的批评者之一。Daley accused critics of the city's Police Department of lying.戴利指责批评市警察局的人说谎。The actress has blasted back at jealous critics who have branded her a talentless bimbo.这名女演员回击了那些因为嫉妒而给她贴上胸大无脑的花瓶标签的批评者。Her book was dismissed by critics as little more than a romantic potboiler.她的书被评论家贬为为钱而码字的言情作品。The poet whaled away at his critics.诗人对他的批评者进行了猛烈的抨击。His latest novel was received with a chorus of alleluias from the critics.他最新的一部小说获得评论家一片溢美之词。Some critics said the show was good in parts - those less charitable said the whole thing was a disaster.有些批评家说演出有些部分还不错——而那些不那么厚道的批评家则说整场演出都糟透了。The book was met with hearty hosannas from literary critics. 那本书得到了文学评论家们由衷的赞美。His work demands attention from all serious critics.他的作品应得到所有严肃评论家的关注。This new one-person show has been positively received by the critics.这个单人演出受到了剧评人的好评。After the first few negative reviews, all the other critics started piling on.最初的几个负面评论出现之后,其他的评论家都开始随声附和。The critics heaped extravagant praise on the production and the cast.评论家极力赞赏该片的制作和演员阵容。These changes have been made in an attempt to conciliate critics of the plan.作出这些变动是为了安抚该计划的批评者们。The play got raves from the critics.这部戏得到了评论家的热烈好评。The novel was drubbed by critics.这部小说受到评论家们的严厉批评。Some critics have commented that the film lacks originality.有些评论家说这部电影缺乏创意。He lashed out viciously at his critics.他猛烈抨击了批评他的人。The singer lashed her critics with angry words.女歌手怒斥了批评者。Some critics say he prostituted his musical skills by going into pop rather than staying with classical music.一些评论家说,他放弃古典音乐而去搞流行音乐是糟蹋他的音乐才华。The show got a big thumbs-down from critics. 这次演出受到了评论界的诸多批评。He was at first blasphemed and later applauded by the critics.起先他遭到批评家们的诽谤,后来又受到他们的称赞。He was slaughtered both by the critics and by his peers.他受到评论家和同龄人的严厉批评。His critics have seized on the scandal to call for his resignation.批评者们借着他的丑闻要求他辞职。The president's comments on taxes made him a sitting duck to critics.总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的。Her new book was well/poorly received by the critics. 她的新书受到评论者的好/差评。The show was slated by the critics.这部影片受到评论家们的严厉批评。Sir Kenneth concluded with a sideswipe at his critics.肯尼斯爵士结束讲话时,对批评他的人含沙射影地抨击了一番。The play has had a mixed reception from critics.评论家对这部戏的评价毁誉参半。All the critics praised the new play for its originality.所有的评论家都赞许这出新剧有独创性。The critics crucified his performance.评论家把他的演出说得一无是处。Some critics have doubts about his stewardship of the nation.一些批评者对他管理国家的方式提出质疑。




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