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词汇 自哀
例句 Stop blaming other people and feeling sorry for yourself.别怨天尤人,自哀自怜。Since his girlfriend left him, he's been wallowing in self-pity.自从女友离他而去以后,他一直自哀自怜。His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。She allowed herself only a few moments' indulgence in self-pity.她只许自己自哀自怜了一小会儿。Jenny told her story without any of the self-pity that I thought I would feel after such an ordeal.珍妮讲述着她的故事,丝毫没有哀叹自己的不幸。换作我遭遇这样的痛苦经历,肯定要自哀自怜了。It's no good feeling sorry for yourself. It's all your own fault.自哀自怜没有用, 这都是你自己的过错。A thread of self-pity runs through his autobiography.自哀自怜是他的自传的主线。Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 别再自哀自怜了。He was wallowing in self-pity.他那时正沉湎于自哀自怜之中。The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed, or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense.这个男孩本有可能自怜自哀、抑郁消沉,也有可能采取冷酷的愤世嫉俗态度来保护自己。Instead of wallowing in self-pity he has got on with his life.他没有自怜自哀,而是继续自己的生活。Eva had never been one to indulge in self-pity.伊娃从不是那种沉湎于自怜自哀的人。From bouncing confidence she had retreated into self-pity.她从信心满满变得自怜自哀




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