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词汇 自命不凡
例句 You'll end up no more than a smart alec and you're well down that road already.你最终只会变得自命不凡,而且你现在已经很有些自以为是了。Ever since they made her assistant manager, she's been getting above herself.自从他们让她当了助理经理后,她就开始自命不凡了。He has a tendency towards pretentiousness.他总是想表现得自命不凡He is spoiled, arrogant and has a tendency towards snobbery.他被宠坏了,傲慢无礼,而且经常自命不凡I don't mean to sound patronizing.我没有自命不凡之意。Bill is a wise guy and displeases others by what he says.比尔自命不凡,说的话让人生气。The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing.这本书的问题在于它有时陷入了自命不凡的高谈阔论。He knew, without conceit, he was considered a genius.不是他自命不凡,他知道大家认为他是个天才。He regards art critics as a bunch of pretentious aesthetes.他认为艺术评论家们是一群自命不凡的审美家。He's a pretentious snob.他是个自命不凡的势利小人。North Adelaide Brahmins are used to telling people what to do.北阿德莱德那些自命不凡的家伙惯于对人指手画脚。I enjoy the opera, but not all of the highfalutin people it seems to attract.我喜欢歌剧,但不喜欢所有那些自命不凡的歌剧迷。He had the smugness that many lawyers show.他有着许多律师身上都有的那种自命不凡I had made a big profit on the deal and was feeling inordinately pleased with myself.这笔生意我赚了大钱,令我颇有点自命不凡的感觉。Look at Lady Muck over there, expecting everyone to wait on her!瞧那边那位自命不凡的女人,她想让大家都围着她转。That Dave really fancies himself, doesn't he?那个戴夫挺自命不凡的,是吧?The children who go to that school are a bit stuck-up.在那所学校上学的孩子有点自命不凡The trouble with John is he thinks the whole world revolves around him.约翰的问题是,他太自命不凡了。Underneath all his swagger he's actually pretty nervous.虽然他表面上一副自命不凡的样子,但实际上他很紧张。His assurance about his own superiority infuriated her.他的自命不凡激怒了她。Some people find her snobbish, but she's really just shy.有些人觉得她自命不凡,其实她只是害羞。Politicians like to pontificate about falling standards.政客们喜欢自命不凡地谈论日渐堕落的道德水准。You conceited idiot.你这个自命不凡的蠢货。I found him priggish and cold.我觉得他自命不凡,冷漠无情。He spoke about his achievements without pretension.他讲述自己成就的时候并没有自命不凡They act like a couple of pompous/pretentious asses.他们表现得就像一对傲慢/自命不凡的蠢驴。There should be no snobbish mockery of catering or fashion design as university subjects.不应该自命不凡地嘲笑大学里的酒席承办和时装设计课程。She acts as if she were a somebody since she won the prize.自从获奖以后她就表现得自命不凡That bloke on the dance floor really fancies himself.舞池里那个家伙真是自命不凡I got so sick of his conceit that I threw the damn trophy out.自命不凡的样子令我恶心极了,于是我把那讨厌的奖杯扔掉了。He's a toffee-nosed git - take no notice of him!他是个自命不凡的蠢货——别理他!The author is a little pretentious, but on the whole he does know his onions.这个作家有点儿自命不凡,但总的说,他确是精通本行。He has a tendency towards snobbery.他经常自命不凡The medical establishment was very suspicious of the young upstart.医疗权威们对这个自命不凡的年轻新手不放心。I was an arrogant puritanical young prig.我当时是一个目中无人、自命不凡的年轻清教徒。




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