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Starting your own business can be very tough, but you just have to grit your teeth and keep working at it.自主创业会非常辛苦,但是你必须勇敢坚决地坚持下去。He offered a few pointers on starting your own business.关于自主创业,他出了几个点子。The producer was given a free rein with the script.制片人获准自主处理剧本。She found fulfillment by starting her own business.她通过自主创业获得了成就感。After India became independent, she chose to be a member of the Commonwealth.印度独立后,自主选择成为英联邦的成员。His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual.他的哲学是关于自主个体自我意识的觉醒。Each artist in the gallery has discretion over the price that will be charged for his or her work.画廊里的每个艺术家对自己的作品卖多少钱都有自主决定权。Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university's language institute.人们可以报名参加这所大学语言培训机构的自主学习课程。He was in a position of responsibility.他有权自主决策。The council's relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.市政会相对独立于政府,意味着它可以自主谈判签订协议。Employees should have some latitude in organizing their work.雇员应该有一定的自主度来安排自己的工作。For me, learning to drive was an empowering experience.对我来说,学习驾驶是一次让自己更自主自立的经历。Their engineers are happier borrowing other people's ideas than developing their own.他们的工程师更乐于借用别人的创意,而不愿自主创新。He had no experience, so starting his own business was a real leap in the dark.他没有经验,所以自主创业对他来说真是冒险之举。Women's groups are calling for free contraception and abortion on demand.一些女性团体在争取自主避孕和堕胎的权利。New technology stocks have done badly in recent months, but Autonomy has been an exception.新的科技股近几个月表现很差,但自主公司是个例外。The children at the school are given complete freedom to study whatever subjects they want.本校的学生想学什么科目是完全自主的。They fear that dirigisme will supplant university autonomy.他们担心统制会取代大学的自主。His hands-off approach to teaching allows students to choose the focus of their studies.他的自主教学法允许学生们选择自己学习的侧重点。All of the automatic body functions, even breathing, are affected.一切自主身体机能,甚至呼吸,都受到了影响。The story planted the idea of starting my own business in my mind. 这个故事启发了我开始考虑自主创业。The government wants to leave companies free to make their own decisions.政府想给公司自主决策的权利。He felt as though he were in the grip of Fate and had no volition of his own.他感觉自己好像被命运掌控,毫无自主选择的余地。The coach used/exercised his own discretion to let the injured quarterback play.教练行使自主决定权,让带伤的四分卫上场。Executive privilege gave him complete discretion to keep executive materials secret, both from Congress and the courts.行政特权使他完全可以自主决定将行政资料的内容对国会和法庭保密。 |