例句 |
He sat in the saddle, ramrod straight.他腰杆笔直地坐在马鞍上。Despite the criticism, he has continued to stand tall.尽管受到批评,他还是挺直腰杆。The old lady's back is still as straight as a ramrod.这位老太太的腰杆还是那样挺拔。We can stand tall and take pride in what we've accomplished.我们可以挺直腰杆,为我们已取得的成就而自豪。He straightened himself from a slouch.他一改刚才的无精打采,挺直了腰杆。When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed.当我推开特雷弗的房门时,他正腰杆笔直地坐在床上。He was a tall upright old man.他是一个个头高大,腰杆笔挺的老人。 |