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If there's money to be made from selling photos of her, she wants her cut.如果出售她的照片能赚钱,她想得到自己的那一份。She is now looking for paid work outside the home.她正在寻找家庭以外能赚钱的工作。My husband is a good provider and I've never wanted for anything.我丈夫很能赚钱,所以我从来什么都不缺。It's a guaranteed way to make money.这保准能赚钱。We have to keep fares high enough to make it economic for the service to continue.我们必须保持票价够高才能赚钱,从而保证能继续提供这项服务。She knew she could make money on the deal. = She knew there was money to be made from/on the deal.她知道这笔交易能赚钱。We should be able to sell the piano at a profit.卖掉这架钢琴,我们应该能赚钱。 |