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词汇 crime problem
例句 Her article asserts that hometown boosterism keeps people from assessing the crime problem accurately.她的文章指出,对家乡的狂热支持使得人们难以恰当地评价犯罪问题。Ignoring the crime problem won't make it go away.对犯罪问题视而不见并不会使其自行消失。The city of Detroit has a huge crime problem.底特律市存在着极其严重的犯罪问题。Federal laws have almost no effect on the crime problem that concerns most people - crime on the streets.联邦法对影响大多数人的街头犯罪问题几乎没有效力。The crime problem has great significance to the general public.犯罪问题对公众来说事关重大。The city's crime problem has not been solved, and indeed the chief constable has admitted as much himself.该市的犯罪问题尚未解决,实际上警察局长自己也这么承认。




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