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词汇 能存活
例句 The cells of the body, especially those of the brain, can live only minutes without circulating blood.如果血液不循环,肌体细胞,尤其是脑细胞,只能存活几分钟。Tests have shown that the virus can survive freeze-drying and desiccation.试验显示,病毒在冷冻干燥和脱水的情况下是能存活的。Brackish waters generally support only a small range of faunas.咸水水域通常只能存活为数不多的几种动物。The plant survives on very little water.这种植物在水很少的条件下也能存活Plants cannot survive in a sealed jar.植物在密封的瓶子里不能存活I don't see how any creature can survive under those conditions.我认为任何生物在那样的环境下都不可能存活下来。Could these animals survive in the wild?这些动物在野外能存活吗?A perennial is a plant that lives indefinitely.多年生植物是指能存活很多年的植物。These birds only survive in temperate latitudes.这些鸟只有在温带才能存活




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