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词汇 cried
例句 I cried out and jerked my hand back.我大叫一声,猛地把手抽了回来。The company shed/cried crocodile tears for the workers who were laid off.那家公司对被解雇的工人发假慈悲。He cried out with despair.他绝望地大声呼喊。According to the legend, she cried out that no storm was going to stop her from finishing her ride.据传,她当时大声宣布,即使有再大的暴风雨她也要骑到终点。She cried out that she was stuck.她大声说自己被卡住了。I felt so unhappy about what he had said that I just sat down and cried.他的话让我很不开心,我坐下来哭了。I laughed until I cried. 我笑得眼泪都出来了。He had always cried very easily.他总是动不动就哭。As he received each blow, he writhed on the floor and cried out.他每挨一拳就在地板上扭动,并且大声喊叫。He cried over his wife's death.他为妻子的去世而哭泣。The children cried and took on something terrible at the sight of the stranger.看到那个陌生人,孩子们大哭大叫。He cried with a little yelp of panic.他惊惶地尖叫一声。She cried out in pain.她疼得叫了起来。She cried bitter tears when she got the letter.收到来信,她流下了痛苦的泪水。As the funeral service began, Frances broke down and cried.葬礼开始时,弗朗西丝忍不住哭了起来。Our first baby hardly ever cried in the night, but our second is the opposite - we never get any sleep.我们第一个孩子晚上几乎从来不哭,可第二个就完全相反了—我们根本没法睡觉。She cried for help.她大声呼救。I cried during the whole thing.整个过程中我一直在哭。She never cried when I dressed her wounds.我给她包扎伤口时,她一声都没哭。The baby cried nonstop for hours.这个婴儿连续哭了好几个小时。He broke down and cried.他抑制不住感情失声痛哭。Australia has cried foul over the decision to increase export subsidies.澳大利亚已对提高出口补贴的决定提出了公开批评。His abilities are not what they were cried up to be.他的能力并不像人们所称赞的那么强。She laughed and cried by turns.她笑一阵又哭一阵。The meal cried out to be eaten with a nice white wine. 这样的菜肴应该配上美味的白葡萄酒。She cried on the phone and I really felt for her.她在电话里哭了,我很同情她。Her mother cried out to Netmila to catch her hand but the little girl was carried off screaming by the waters.母亲大声叫内米拉抓住她的手,但是小姑娘还是尖叫着被水流冲走了。When she heard about her brother's death she cried buckets.当得知兄弟的死讯时,她泪流满面。When I got home I just sat down and cried. I'd had enough.我回到家就坐下哭了起来。 我受够了。The child cried out in a piteous voice.孩子可怜地哭叫着。He intended to go with us, but he cried off at the last minute.他本来打算与我们一起去,但是最后却改变主意了。I sat alone in my room and cried and cried.我独自坐在自己的房间里,哭个不停。The wounded soldier cried out in pain.那个伤兵痛得直叫。Because he was being so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried.他如此体贴关心,令我忍不住失声痛哭。John tightened his grip until she cried out.约翰越捏越紧,直到她痛得大声喊叫。We all laughed until we cried.我们都大笑起来,直到笑出了眼泪。He nearly cried out at the sudden realization of how much Randall looked like him.当他意识到兰德尔和自己有多么相像时,几乎叫了出来。She cried on the phone and was very upset and I really felt for her.她在电话里哭了,非常难过,我很同情她。Women's rights groups have cried out against the proposed cut in benefit paid to single mothers.妇女权益团体对减少单身母亲的救济金的提议表示强烈反对。She was a placid child who rarely cried.她是个安静的孩子,很少哭闹。




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