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词汇 胁迫
例句 The singer was coerced into a contract with the record company.那名歌手被胁迫与唱片公司签约。I refuse to be intimidated by high-pressure sales techniques.我不会受强行推销术胁迫买东西。They controlled the king by intimidation, coercion, and restraint.他们通过恐吓、胁迫、限制控制了国王。Unison and the other unions have the power to hold the Government to ransom.公务员工会和其他工会有能力胁迫政府。They used coercion to obtain the confession.他们用胁迫的方式获得了认罪书。I have never heard a defence of duress with less merit or substance.我从未听过比这更逊色、更空洞的胁迫辩护。BAE was accused of holding a pistol to the cabinet's heads with the threatened redundancies and closure.英国航空航天公司被指责以裁员和倒闭为由胁迫内阁。The government says it will not be bullied by the press.政府声称不会受媒体的胁迫They were cowed into silence by threats. 他们受到胁迫不敢作声。They had pleaded not guilty claiming they acted under duress.他们不承认有罪,声称自己那么做是受到了胁迫She was viciously raped at knifepoint.她被人用刀胁迫残暴地强奸了。He gave the information under duress.他在胁迫之下提供了情报。There were signs of voting fraud and voter intimidation.有投票舞弊和胁迫选民的迹象。I refuse to be blackmailed into making a quick decision.我不会因为受到胁迫而作出仓促的决定。They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.选举日那天他们自由地进行了投票,没有受到胁迫Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work.胁迫人们为执政党投票的企图没有成功。You don't have to go if you don't want to. No one's holding a gun to your head.如果你不想去就别去。没人在胁迫你。They tried to intimidate the young people into voting for them.他们试图胁迫年轻人投票给他们。They are holding hostages to try to force the authorities into talks on possible amnesties for drugs offences.他们扣押了若干人质以胁迫当局就赦免毒品犯罪与他们谈判。The newspaper reported that the union was holding the nation to ransom.报纸报道说工会是在胁迫国家同意其提出的要求。Party members must have the chance to express their views democratically without their leaders bludgeoning them.党员必须有机会民主地表达自己的观点而不受领导的胁迫She's always using emotional blackmail and playing on other people's feelings.她老是用感情来胁迫别人,玩弄人家的感情。Charges based on such material are vulnerable to a prima facie defence of duress.根据这类材料提出的指控,很容易被表面受到胁迫的辩护驳斥。She says she was virtually blackmailed into giving up her claim to the property.她说自己实际上是受人胁迫而放弃了财产要求。The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。His boss bullied him into working overtime.老板胁迫他加班。The police had tried to intimidate him into signing a confession.警方曾试图胁迫他签署认罪书。He was coerced into signing the confession.他受到胁迫,在认罪书上签了字。The kids were often bullied into giving up their lunch money.孩子们经常被胁迫交出午餐钱。The defendant explained that he had been acting under coercion.被告辩解说他的行为是受到了胁迫Any relationship that has to depend on emotional blackmail can't be a healthy one.必须靠以感情作胁迫维持的关系不可能是健康的。Don't let him emotionally blackmail you.不要让他在情感上胁迫你。Employees were terrorized into accepting abysmal working conditions.雇员们被胁迫接受恶劣的工作条件。Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer.女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。A confession was coerced from the suspect by police.嫌疑犯在警方的胁迫下认了罪。We are simply not going to be bounced into accepting these terms and conditions.我们不会轻易被胁迫接受这些条款和条件的。




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