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词汇 股票
例句 The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.股票经纪人把其中一部分股票脱手给了一名乐意接盘的客户。The company went partially public and acquired a large amount of liquid capital to put to good use.这家公司发售了部分股票,因而得到一大笔很有利用价值的流动资本。Heavy buying ran the price of stocks up higher than expected.大量的买进使得股票价格上涨到了一个出人意料的水平。The news led to a stampede by investors trying to sell their stocks.这个新闻导致投资者一窝蜂地要卖掉他们的股票The shares have doubled in value since I bought them, and I'm hoping they'll be my first ten-bagger within a year or two.自从我购买这些股票后,其价值已经翻倍了。我希望在一两年内,能成为我的首批十倍股。The value of the stock has taken a tumble in recent weeks.这只股票的价值在最近几周跌了不少。Everyone who works for the company has been allotted 10 shares.该公司的每位员工分到十股股票He holds a block of shares.他拥有大宗股票Stocks took a sharp spill in today's trading.股票在今天的交易中猛跌。Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework.股票经纪人之前,先要做好必要的准备工作。The small amounts banks are selling from their own holdings are quickly gobbled up.银行正在抛售的少量股票很快被抢购一空。A participant shall be entitled to receive a stock certificate evidencing the acquisition of shares.参与者应有资格获得证明其收购股份的股票凭证。He bought stock in the company early on, and now he is sitting pretty.他买了公司初期的股票,现在形势非常好。On the exchanges, mining shares loiter at more realistic prices.在证券交易所里,矿业股票按较现实的价格涨落。Our shares became completely valueless overnight.一夜之间我们的股票变得一文不值了。Investors continued to unload technology stocks Thursday.星期四投资者继续抛售技术板块的股票BT's shares fell dramatically, but bounced back before the end of the day.英国电信公司的股票急剧下跌,但是最后在当天收盘前回升了。We took a bath in the market over that stock.我们买那只股票赔了钱。Williams invested a large sum of money in Swiss stocks.威廉姆斯投资了一大笔钱购买瑞士股票Stocks rose on Wall Street today. 华尔街的股票今天上涨了。At the moment these shares are worth zilch.现在这些股票一文不值。I have a few shares in the gas company.我有一些煤气公司的股票These stocks have been the latest go-go favourites.这几种股票是投资公司最近一个时期的热门投机对象。Your broker has the right to sell your shares.经纪人有权出售你的股票They intend to invest directly in shares.他们打算直接投资股票Highly priced shares are unpopular among investors.价格高的股票不受投资者欢迎。The stock was sold to liquidate the loan.股票被卖出以偿还贷款。The company's stock is being touted by many financial advisers.那家公司的股票正受到多位金融顾问的大肆吹捧。Since the stockmarket crash, companies have been trying to raise capital by selling new stock.自证券市场崩溃后,各家公司都试图通过出售新股票来筹集资金。Share prices moved up.股票价格上涨了。She has been selling many of her holdings in the stock market.她最近在股市上卖出了不少股票He is buying shares in an unlisted company.他在购买未上市公司的股票He used his newspapers to beguile the readers into buying shares in his company.他利用他的报纸诱骗读者买他公司的股票Racal Electronics shares have been in a strong uptrend.瑞卡尔电子公司的股票涨势强劲。Most of her money is invested in stocks.她把大多数钱投资在股票上。The company is mulling over a share offer.公司在酝酿增发股票Luckily, I sold my shares just before the crash.还好我正好在股价暴跌前抛出了股票Stocks may boom today, but droop tomorrow.股票可能今天暴涨,但明天又下跌。Following news of increased profits, the company's share price went through the roof.利润增加的消息传出后,该公司的股票价格猛涨。The stock will be sold at a preset price.这些股票将按预定价格出售。




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