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词汇 职工
例句 I dislike his condescending manner toward his employees.我讨厌他对职工那种居高临下的恩赐态度。The proposals for reorganizing the company have made many people in the workforce feel very insecure.改组公司的建议使许多职工深感不安。Unreasonable treatment of the workers will get the firm nowhere.职工的不合理待遇会使这家公司碰壁。Everyone, the chairman included, eats in the staff restaurant.每一个人,包括主席在内,都在职工餐厅用餐。The changes have caused a lot of ill feeling among the workforce.这些变革引起了职工的强烈不满。The workforce is mainly made up of women.职工中主要是女性。Many workers feel disinclined for a long journey from home to work.许多职工不喜欢工作地点离家太远。We aim to do better at harnessing the skills and talents of our workforce.我们的目的是要更好地利用职工的技能和才智。How many full-time staff have we got?.我们有多少名全职工The workforce has been reduced by half.职工人数已减少一半。The company has reduced its work force.该公司削减了职工人数。This has tempted some old-timers to sell out.这诱使一些老职工卖掉了股份。Under the new system, withholding taxes on the salaries of most workers will be considerably reduced.按照新税制,从大多数职工薪金中代扣的所得税额将大为减少。A unionized workforce is often a more productive one.加入工会的职工往往生产效率更高。The company is inconsistent in the way it disciplines staff.公司惩戒职工的办法前后不一致。He had the complete support of hospital staff.他得到了医院职工的全力支持。The reforms will benefit working families.这些改革将使职工家庭得到好处。He would dot his i's and cross his t's in letting his employees know what he expected of them.他会详细地对职工讲明他对他们的要求。Half of the office is under 30.公司有一半职工年龄在三十岁以下。The employees with less experience got the chop. 工作经验较少的职工被炒了鱿鱼。Staff members have been educated in disability issues.职工已接受了有关残疾问题的教育。Staff members are conversant with the issues.职工对这些问题很有经验。The hospital has reduced staffing to an absolute minimum.医院已经将职工人数减到不能再减了。They have been given one year to rightsize their workforce.他们有一年时间精简职工人数。We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.我们希望在决策过程中的各个阶段都有职工参与。One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's son.我们公司最优秀的职工之一为了让位给董事的儿子而被解雇。She dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria.她在经理套房用膳,而我们这些小民则是在职工餐厅用餐。Some bank staff could be lining their pockets from customers' accounts.可能有银行职工在利用客户账户中饱私囊。Young workers are more willing to desert jobs they don't like.年轻职工对不喜欢的工作更易擅自离职。Half of the office is on vacation.公司有一半职工在度假。I get the feeling that John's colleagues are distinctly underwhelmed by his latest proposal.我感到职工们对约翰最新的提议明显毫无兴趣。Only about a twelfth of the workers are women.大约只有十二分之一的职工是女性。Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情。




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