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词汇 而高兴
例句 My parents were glad about my passing of all the exams this semester.我父母为我这学期门门功课考试及格而高兴It won't be easy, but when all is said and done, we'll be glad we did it.这并不容易,但最终我们会因此而高兴Alice was glad to be independent and making a life of her own at last.艾丽斯为独立,为终于过上了自己的生活而高兴He was weeping with happiness at being free.他因为获得自由而高兴得哭了。She's glad she's done it.她为自己做了那件事而高兴She whoops with delight at a promise of money.她因为有可能获得一笔钱而高兴得大叫。He rejoiced at his friend's unexpected good fortune.他为朋友意想不到的好运气而高兴She stood preening in their midst, delighted with the attention.她得意洋洋地站在他们中间,为受人瞩目而高兴John welcomed Margaret, glad of her company.约翰欢迎玛格丽特,为有她作伴而高兴We're glad that he's got a job.我们为他找到工作而高兴She rejoiced in her new-found independence.她因新近才获得的独立人格而高兴




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