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例句 The judge decided the evidence was inherently weak and inconsistent.法官判定证据本质上无说服力而且前后不一致。Susan was attractive and, even better, she was interesting. Not run of the mill at all.苏珊有魅力,而且更可贵的是她还很有趣,一点也不平淡乏味。The soup was disgusting, greasy, tepid and watery.这汤很难喝,油腻腻的,不热而且很稀。Poverty leads to slums, which are an eyesore and a health hazard.贫困产生了贫民窟,那里不仅有碍观瞻,而且卫生隐患严重。The new airport will just mean more noise, more traffic problems and higher land prices.新机场只意味着噪音将会更大,交通问题会更严重,而且地价会更为昂贵。If you want low-cost transport and regular exercise, a bike is ideal.如果你想要个价格低廉的交通工具而且又想定期锻炼身体,那么自行车是最理想的了。Life here has been irrevocably changed, and not for the better.这里的生活已被不可避免地改变了,而且不是变得更好。The players are good friends off court and train together.这些选手球场下是好朋友,而且一起训练。Critics claim that many soccer players are overpaid, overrated and out of touch.评论人士称许多足球运动员薪酬过高、评价过高,而且遥不可及。The road became rocky and steep.这条路渐渐变得满地岩石而且陡峭。More complete and quantifiable data has come from the laboratory recently.新近从实验室里得到了更多完整而且可定量的数据。She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.她最好闭上嘴巴,而且今后在说出蠢话之前先过过脑子。I like my steaks to be tender, juicy, and full of flavour.我喜欢牛排鲜嫩多汁,而且口味要浓。The choice is pitiful and the quality of some of the products is very low.选择余地极小,而且其中一些产品的质量很差。She has a sore throat and a fever.她得了咽喉炎而且还发烧。The bathrooms in this hotel are positively Dickensian - no hot water and grime everywhere.这家旅馆的浴室简直就像狄更斯书中的那样——不仅没有热水而且到处都是污垢。The house was lonely and rather grim.房子孤零零的,而且很简陋。Our apartment is not only centrally located, it's near a park too.我们的公寓不仅位于中心地带,而且还靠近公园。Her voice was girlish and eager.她的声音像个小姑娘似的,而且带着一股急不可耐。The few public health clinics that existed were filthy and understaffed.仅有的几个公共医疗中心卫生条件差,而且人手不足。She's kind of like a puppy - she's so cheerful and friendly.她有点像条小狗—一快快乐乐的,而且非常友好。He liked Max, and sympathized with his ambitions.他喜欢马克思,而且认同他的志向。It's most unlikely she'll miss the bus and, in any case, she's got enough money for a taxi.她不大可能会错过公交车。而且不管怎样,她有足够的钱去坐出租车。She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。Her voice was quiet and confidential.她的声音很轻而且很隐秘。Their fights seldom lasted long, and after every fight they quickly made up.他们之间的争吵很少持续太久,而且每次吵完很快就会和好。That, as we all know, is not only a possibility but a likelihood.众所周知,那不仅可能发生,而且是很可能发生。The lock and unlock buttons are microscopically small and not intuitive.锁定按钮和解锁按钮都极为微小,而且隐蔽。Anna enjoys writing, and she's quite good at it.安娜喜欢写作,而且写得很好。He combined a formidable intellect with a talent for speaking.他不但智力超群,而且口才出众。It's clean and well-located, but best of all, it's affordable.那里很干净,地段也好,而且更不错的是,价格也承受得起。He was a hard-working, honest man.他勤劳而且正直。Hillary was bright and ambitious and wanted to move up in the world.希拉里聪明而且雄心勃勃,想提高自己的社会地位。The storms continued all night, and the next morning brought no relief.暴风雨持续了整个晚上,而且第二天早晨雨势并未减弱。The job was for a fixed term and the contract is not being renewed.这个工作有固定期限,而且合同不能续签。A lot of people are put off becoming teachers by the long hours and the low pay.当教师工作时间长而且收入低,这就使不少人对这工作望而却步。Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical.电动汽车迷们说,电动车清洁、无噪音而且经济。The weather was cold and frosty.天气寒冷而且有霜冻。Corcoran called the accusations unjust and one-sided.科科伦说这种指控不公正而且片面。Smoking is a one-way ticket to doom and is probably the most important single preventable cause of heart disease.吸烟注定会带来恶果,它或许是最主要的而且是唯一一个可以预防的心脏病诱因。




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