例句 |
The origins of language are lost in the mists of time.语言的起源由于年代久远而无法考证。But as with many such suppositions in natural history, no one had ever tested it.博物学中虽然有许多类似的假设,却从没人对此考证过。We will look at the evidence, such as it is, for each of these theories.这些猜想的根据虽然不过如此,我们还是会去考证一下。The authenticity of the relics is open to doubt.这些圣徒遗物的真假有待考证。I don't know where that old story came from, I've never been able to track it down.我不知道这则旧传闻的出处,我从来没能考证出结果。 |