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词汇 creative
例句 Dance is a form of artistic/creative expression.舞蹈是一种艺术/创造性的表达形式。Companies used creative accounting to inflate profits.很多公司通过伪造账目,虚增利润。This is the stage for creative thinking and imaginative ideas.这是个需要创造性思维和富于想象力的点子的阶段。I'm taking a course in creative writing.我正在修一门创意写作课。The ballet company's repertoire blends tradition and creative innovation.这个芭蕾舞团的节目把传统和创新融合在一起。Cooking is creative.烹饪富有创造性。Computers are incapable of creative thought.计算机没有创造性思维能力。She has been described as the creative colossus of the literary world.她被誉为文坛创作巨匠。The critical power is of lower rank than the creative.批评能力就品类而论次于创作能力。She's a very creative person.她是一个非常有创意的人。We offer people the opportunity to be creative.我们给人们提供发挥创造力的机会。Many young people find music their best outlet for creative expression.许多年轻人发现音乐是他们表现创造力的渠道。She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas.她极富创造力,总会想出新点子。My job is to think up creative and original advertising ideas我的工作是构想出有创意、独特的广告意念。There is a lack of creative energy in the industry.这个行业缺乏创造力。She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.她将生孩子与创造过程作类比。I don't always feel creative.我并不总是感觉自己有创造力。The job wasn't challenging enough for me - I wanted something more creative.这份工作对我来讲缺乏挑战性,我想干些更富创造性的事。They've come up with some creative new ways to make money.他们想出了一些有创意的赚钱新方法。We respond to business problems in creative ways.我们富有创意地处理商业上的问题。Children should be allowed to develop their creative as well as their academic abilities.除了培养儿童的学术能力,还应该允许培养他们的创造力。She's a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn't have the technique of a truly great performer.她是一个很有创造力的舞蹈演员,但她缺乏一个真正伟大的舞蹈家的技巧。Her artistic/creative talent has been obvious ever since she was a child.她从小就显示出了艺术/创作天赋。The new-media industry attracts young and creative people.新媒体产业吸引着有创意的年轻人。I'd like to get involved in something creative.我想参与一些有创造性的事情。Most people are creative in one way or another.大多数人都具有某方面的创造力。His performances lack that creative spark.他的表演缺少点儿创意。Hollywood is nothing if not creative, especially if someone else will pick up the bills.好莱坞是极有创造力的地方,尤其是如果有人肯埋单的话。The director had a lot of creative freedom on this project; the film's backers essentially handed him a blank check. 导演在这部影片的创作上有很大的自由,赞助商基本上让他随心所欲。We encourage the children to use their creative abilities.我们鼓励孩子们发挥自己的创造力。The company must find creative ways to woo new employees.公司必须找到招揽新员工的创新方式。He throws himself into his art with a creative passion.他怀着一股创作激情投身于艺术。Dance is a question of control and creative expression.舞蹈就是要控制好动作,表现上要有创造性。His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.他的创造欲望已被他的政治负罪感扼杀了。He was more creative than the other students.他比其他学生更有创造力。She is barren of creative spirit.她缺乏创造精神。He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.他是他那代人当中最富创造性与革新精神的工程师之一。He was personally ill-equipped to lead creative people.他个人能力不足,领导不了创意型人才。She is among the most creative of the artists around today.她是如今仍活跃的艺术家中最具创造力的一位。Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then: Mikhail handled the creative side; Alex was the financier.亚历克斯和米哈伊尔当时是伙伴关系:米哈伊尔负责创新,亚历克斯是财务主管。




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