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词汇 creating
例句 She enjoys creating imaginary worlds for children.她喜欢为孩子们创造想象中的世界。Each side has accused the others of creating stumbling blocks to peace.每一方都指责他方给和平制造绊脚石。Computers are essential now in creating effects for the movies.计算机在制造电影特效中是不可或缺的。Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe.拉塞尔博士正在通过对世界各地的山羊进行杂交来培育优种羊群。This issue is creating unrest on the backbenches.此问题正在后座议员中引起骚动。The mechanics of creating a link are relatively simple.创建链接的方法比较简单。Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.灯光从布满尘埃的墙壁上反射出来,发出幽暗的光。That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.那样做肯定会破坏经济、制造混乱。He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs.他说这会妨碍公司创设新的工作岗位。She has shown considerable resource in creating the new team.在组建新球队的过程中她显示出了相当的智谋。In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein.美国向那个独裁者提供武装支持,这是在造就一个弗兰肯斯坦,将威胁到美国自己。There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood.再没什么比烛光更能营造浪漫气氛了。Work on the positive, creating beautiful, loving and fulfilling relationships.致力于好的方面,努力营造美好的、友爱的、令人满意的关系。The fans rotate inside the housing creating an air flow that generates thrust.风机在外壳内转动,造成一股产生推力的气流。We consider the role of stress and unresolved tensions in creating disturbing dreams.我们认为压力与未消除的紧张情绪都会致人做恶梦。It can be seen as a way of creating and maintaining relationships, because it can grease the wheels of social intercourse.它能使社会交往变得顺畅,因此可以被视为建立和维系人际关系的一种方式。They had very different motivations for creating the work.他们的创作动机大相径庭。The lawyer is trying to sabotage the case by creating confusion.律师试图通过制造混淆,阻挠此案审理。They are proudly trumpeting the fact that they are creating more jobs.他们大肆宣扬他们创造了更多的工作岗位。The book might be published without creating offense.出版这本书可能不会引起人们的反感。The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.宝石反射出的金色光芒令他着迷。The article examined the conditions that are necessary for creating successful spin-outs.这篇文章分析了成功的分拆公司的必需条件。High winds have been creating havoc for farmers.大风给农民带来了严重的灾害。There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.对公众进行教育和制造恐慌倾向之间没有明显的分界。The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.在该地区加强军备是在制造紧张局势。Work on the positive, creating loving relationships.致力于有利的一面,努力营造友爱的关系。Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿发明了一种把不同人的五官相互叠加在一起的制作合成照片的方法。The main road was closed, creating traffic problems.主路被封闭了,引发了诸多交通问题。Many people who diet put on even more weight when they stop, creating a vicious circle.许多节食的人停止节食后体重增加得更多,造成了一种恶性循环。Here are some steps for creating a well-structured document.下面是写一份条理清楚的文件的几个步骤。De Niro came to believe that creating a convincing character demanded detailed research.德尼罗开始相信创造一个令人信服的角色需要进行细致的研究。We need everyone's help in creating a better society.我们需要大家齐心协力建设一个更加美好的社会。A great deal of time and money has been expended on creating a pleasant office atmosphere.为创造舒心的办公环境已花费了大量的时间和金钱。He got a buzz from creating confrontations.他在和别人对着干的时候得到了快感。Don't go near him while he's creating.在他发脾气时别走近他。The Moon exerts a gravitational pull on the Earth, creating tides.月球对地球有引力,从而产生了潮汐。Her behaviour is creating a lot of problems.她的行为引起了很多问题。When creating your design, keep it simple.设计时要保持简洁。Such an all-or-nothing approach, ignoring any gradation, is creating a culture where our discussion of risk across the board is naïve.这种极端的、无视渐进过程的态度正在营造一种文化,在这种文化背景下我们对风险的全面讨论显得很幼稚。




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