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词汇 翻来覆去
例句 She had slept badly, tossing and turning before falling into a fitful doze.她睡得很不好,翻来覆去,后来好不容易时断时续地睡了一会。She stirred now and again in her sleep.她睡觉时不时翻来覆去All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。We had to do the scene over and over again, from different angles.我们不得不翻来覆去地从不同的角度拍这个场面。Chantal was writhing in pain and bathed in perspiration.夏恩托痛苦地翻来覆去,汗水淋淋。Normally, she was a good sleeper, but that night she lay awake, tossing and turning.通常她睡得很沉,可那天晚上她躺在床上翻来覆去,怎么也睡不着。He was riffling through these morbid thoughts.他正在翻来覆去考虑这些病态的念头。She was lying awake, tossing and turning.她躺在那儿翻来覆去睡不着。Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?你是头一靠着枕头就能入睡呢,还是要翻来覆去好几个小时才能睡着?He tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep.他整夜翻来覆去无法入眠。He tossed about in his sleep all night.他整夜翻来覆去睡不著。His books are full of repetition.他的那些书都是在翻来覆去写同样的东西。You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.感觉就像整夜翻来覆去睡不着、醒来时浑身疲惫一样。She thrashed around/about in her sleep.她睡觉时翻来覆去People tend to repeat themselves when they are speaking spontaneously.人们在即兴说话时往往翻来覆去表达思想。He kept asking for a raise, like a broken record.他缠着要求增加工资,像张破唱片似的翻来覆去说个没完。His speech was dreadful - he just kept repeating himself.他的演讲令人生厌——他只是翻来覆去地重复那一点儿内容。David wanted a new bicycle and kept ringing the changes on it.戴维想要一辆新的自行车,老是翻来覆去地提这件事。I've lain awake at nights, turning the problem over and over in my mind.我晚上睡不着,脑子里翻来覆去想着这个问题。




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