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词汇 群山
例句 The rugged mountains in the distance were dark and mysterious.远处起伏的群山阴暗又神秘。These mountains range far to the southeast.群山向遥远的东南部延伸。For five days he trekked across the mountains of central China.五天里他在华中地区的群山里艰苦跋涉。I looked across the mountains, ridge upon ridge.我放眼绵延起伏的群山The road twisted between spectacular mountains.道路在壮丽的群山之间蜿蜒而行。The hills were shrouded in mist.群山被蒙上薄雾。The grassy hills were sheathed in mist.绿草如茵的群山雾气弥漫。At sunrise, they surveyed the vast panorama of snow-covered hills and mountains.日出的时候,他们看到了一片群山连绵、白雪皑皑的壮阔景象。The mountains were shadowing into blackness.群山渐渐隐没在黑暗中。The sierras rose up sharply before us.齿状群山在我们面前拔地而起。The mountains were disappearing in the lowering cloud.密布的阴云渐渐遮蔽了群山The mountains loom above/over the valley.群山赫然耸立在山谷之上。Here in the mountains I feel totally at one with nature.在这群山之中我感到与大自然完全融为一体。The clouds are banked up against the hills across the valley.云在峡谷两侧的群山之间聚积起来。He saw the morning sun gild the hills.他看见在朝阳的照耀下群山金光闪闪。A fine rain was beginning to veil the hills.蒙蒙的细雨渐渐笼罩了群山The mountains had an ethereal hue with a clearness almost polar in its severity.这些群山有一种永恒的色彩,明亮的程度近乎于极地。The mountains are the most arresting feature of the glen.群山是该峡谷最吸引人的特色。The skiing and the mountains were just out of this world!滑雪和群山真是棒极了!The mountains in the background were capped with snow.背景中的群山山顶覆盖着白雪。The sound of gunfire woke the hills.枪炮声响彻群山Hoover Dam is ringed by snow-capped mountains that reach high above the desert plain.胡佛大坝被白雪覆盖的山峦包围着,群山高高地耸立在沙漠平原之上。The mountains rose up before us.群山屹立在我们面前。The road twisted and turned across the hills.公路曲曲弯弯地穿过群山The train snaked its way through the mountains.火车在群山中蜿蜒穿行。A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view.一层浓雾遮蔽群山The smoky haze overcast the distant mountains.烟雾笼罩著远处的群山As we flew over the mountains we could see that there were snowy peaks beneath.我们飞过群山时看到了底下被雪覆盖著的山巅。The mountains were just visible, dusky and black.黑黝黝的群山朦胧可辨。We saw a condor gliding high above the mountains.我们看到一只秃鹫在群山上空翱翔。A ring of hills encinctures the town.小镇座落在群山之中。With storm clouds rushing over them, the mountains looked dark and forbidding.黑云压顶,群山显得阴森森的,险恶狰狞。The river winds its way through the hills.这条河蜿蜒着流过群山The hills looked silvery in the moonlight.群山在月光下银光闪亮。As we turned the corner, the distant mountains came in sight.我们一拐过这道弯,远处的群山便出现在眼前。The tower provides a wide command of neighbouring hills.在塔上可将四周群山一览无遗。The cabin was tucked away in the woods behind the hills.小屋位于群山之后,环抱于林木之间,很清幽。The mountains were wreathed in mist.群山笼罩在迷雾中。As the mountains gave way to Italy, her spirits sank lower and lower.群山绵延至意大利时,她的心情越来越沉重。The mountains were mantled with/in snow.群山覆盖着白雪。




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