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词汇 crates
例句 The crates had not been firmly secured to the truck.板条箱没有在卡车上固定牢靠。He improvised a bookcase out of crates.他用板条箱临时做成书架。They packed the books into the crates.他们把书装进了箱子。Joey stacked the crates one on top of the other.乔伊把那些板条箱一个个摞起来。We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway.我们向他们指明了这些板条箱该搬到哪里,他们就立刻干了起来。Mme Cathiard was stacking the clean bottles in crates.凯西亚德夫人正在将干净的瓶子整齐地码放在板条箱里。The melons are transported in large wooden crates.这些瓜是装在大板条箱中运输的。He stacked crates one on top of the other, whistling as he did so.他把箱子一个一个摞起来,一边摞一边吹口哨。We stacked the crates one on top of the other.我们把板条箱一个个地摞起来。The exit was blocked with beer crates.出口给啤酒箱堵住了。The paintings were carefully stored in crates.油画被妥善保存在木条箱里。Mahoney had lined up two of the crates.马奥尼已经摆好了其中两个板条箱。Bottles rattled as he stacked the beer crates.他把啤酒箱摞起来,酒瓶咣当咣当地响。The produce inspector rejected several crates of berries that had begun to grow mold.产品质检员把几箱发霉的浆果退了回去。The crates were packed on skids and taken to the warehouse.板条箱被装在滑动垫木上送往仓库。She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.她把他收藏的陈年佳酿装进板条箱里。Some of the crates were marked for export.其中的一些货箱上作了出口标记。A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.起重机已经开始卸载木箱和托盘了。The van was loaded with crates of beer.厢式货车上载着一箱箱啤酒。Their possessions had all been packed into shipping crates.他们的物品都装进了运输包装箱里。The crates were unloaded onto the wharf.箱子卸下来,放在码头上。They stacked the crates in the corner of the yard.他们把板条箱堆在院子的角落里。The traders sweated as they manhandled crates of soft drinks.商贩们搬动一箱箱软饮料时出了一身汗。They packed the crates with books.他们把书装进了箱子。The crates were much too heavy and awkward for one person to carry.这些板条箱太重了,一个人很难扛动。We've also got a bonus quiz with crates of beer as prizes!我们还获得了一次参加有奖智力竞赛的机会,奖品是成箱的啤酒!The crew unloaded crates from the ship.船员们从船上卸下板条箱。




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