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词汇 罢工行动
例句 There is a clear distinction between lawful protest and illegal strike action.合法抗议与非法罢工行动之间有着显而易见的区别。The government was unswayed by the strike action.政府未受罢工行动影响。We have no choice but to intensify the strike campaign.我们除了加强罢工行动别无选择。They voted yes to strike action.他们对罢工行动投了赞同票。They are to hold a ballot on strike action.他们将对罢工行动举行投票表决。Railworkers in central Poland also joined the stoppage, cutting the link with the industrial south-west.波兰中部的铁路工人也加入了罢工行动,切断了与西南部工业区的铁路连线。Staff balloted for strike action yesterday.昨天员工投票赞成罢工行动The union now envisages strike action.工会在打算采取罢工行动Shipbuilders and dockers were solidly in favour of strike action in support of their claim.造船工人和码头工人都全力支持为响应他们的要求而发动的罢工行动Prison officers are threatening to take strike action.狱警威胁要采取罢工行动If negotiations should fail, the workers would need to have recourse to strike action.如谈判失败,工人们将非求助于罢工行动不可。Strike action has paralysed the region's public transport system.罢工行动使该地区的公共交通系统陷入瘫痪状态。After last year's long and bitter strike, few people want more industrial action.经历了去年那场漫长而艰苦的罢工之后,没什么人再希望有罢工行动了。




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