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词汇 罗恩
例句 While in prison he shared a cell with Ron Spicer.在狱中他与罗恩·斯派塞同住一间牢房。I could get Ron to look at your car for you; he works in the trade.我可以让罗恩给你看看车子,他是干这行的。Ron is always in a bad mood in the morning.罗恩早上的时候总是没有好心情。Ron and Joe didn't like each other's girlfriends.罗恩和乔互相都不喜欢对方的女朋友。Several moves later, Ron took his king.走了几步后,罗恩把他的王将死了。Ron sings so fast because it gets us off.罗恩唱得很快,因为那会使我们兴奋。Ron's changed so much, you probably wouldn't recognize him if you met him on the street.罗恩变化太大了,你在街上遇到他也许都认不出了。Ron's eyes sparkled with excitement.罗恩的眼睛里闪烁着激动的光芒。Ron's going to Tufts University next week for an interview and a tour of the campus.罗恩下个星期要去塔夫茨大学面试,并参观一下校园。We left Ron's bicycle propped against a tree.我们把罗恩的自行车靠在一棵树上。Ron's neither as young nor as fit as the other members of the team.罗恩既不如其他队员年轻也不如他们健壮。Father Rowan took refuge in silence.罗恩神父以沉默来逃避。She didn't want Ron thinking she was angling for sympathy.她不想让罗恩认为她是在博取同情。Ron Freeman appeared pasty faced and nervous.罗恩·弗里曼脸色苍白,显得很紧张。We'd planned to go camping but at the last minute Ron finked out.我们原计划去野营,但最后罗恩食言了。Ron was promoted to branch manager of the North West region.罗恩被提升为西北区的分区经理。Ron gave the dead fish a poke with his stick.罗恩用手杖捅了一下那条死鱼。Mr Parker took over the chairmanship from Ron Simpson.帕克先生从罗恩·辛普森那里接任了主席一职。He wanted to ask Mary to dance, but Ron beat him to the punch.他想邀请玛丽跳舞,但是罗恩抢先了一步。I found myself trying to reassure Ron, trying to build up his morale.我试图让罗恩放心,尽力让他提高士气。Ron was full of ideas and seemed very enthusiastic about the show.罗恩满脑子都是新想法,并且似乎对演出充满了热情。The director, Ron Howard, was dissatisfied with Nicole's response even after several retakes.虽然重拍了好几次,导演罗恩·霍华德仍然对妮科尔的表现不满意。I didn't know Ron had that much strength of character.我以前不知道罗恩如此有骨气。Ron kept silent and stared down at his food.罗恩沉默不语,盯着他的食物。Ron felt rage boil up inside him.罗恩感到胸中怒气沸腾。Unknown to his wife, Ron had been having an affair.妻子并不知道,罗恩有了外遇。I foolishly entrusted the task of collecting the money to Ron.我愚蠢地把收钱的事交托给罗恩去做了。Isabel looked to Ron for enlightenment.伊莎贝尔指望得到罗恩的开导。The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player, Ron Carter.另一位著名的低音提琴演奏家罗恩·卡特改编了这些歌曲。Rowan said this latest outbreak of violence could upset the peace talks.罗恩说最近发生的暴力事件可能影响和平谈判。Ron gave her a knowing smile.罗恩朝她会意地一笑。Ron nearly died when he heard what it was going to cost.罗恩听到需要付出的代价,差点儿没背过气去。The article described the company's vice-president, Victor Rowan, as deceitful and power-hungry.那篇文章把公司副总裁维克托·罗恩说成是一个奸滑、贪权的人。Ron may not be the most pleasant person to work with, but that's no justification to fire him.罗恩也许不是个让人感到愉快的同事,但这也不能成为辞退他的理由。Ron has weak eyesight.罗恩视力不大好。Rowan worked as a sales assistant in a Beverly Hills shopping mall.罗恩在贝弗利山庄的一个购物中心里当营业员。We had a good view of the firework display from Ron's balcony.我们在罗恩的阳台上看烟花表演,非常清楚。Christabel looked at Ron with open hostility.克丽丝特布尔带着公然的敌意看着罗恩Ron's affair wrecked our marriage.罗恩的婚外恋毁了我们的婚姻。Ron unlocked the back door and crept out into the yard.罗恩打开后门的锁,蹑手蹑脚地出去,来到院子里。




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