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词汇 缺陷
例句 The flaws in our school system will never be fixed as long as the government continues to just throw money at the problem.只要政府仍然光靠砸钱来处理问题,我们学校体制中的缺陷就永远无法得到修补。The book is flawed by several factual inaccuracies.这本书因为有若干事实误差而存在缺陷Septal defect is sometimes known as "hole in the heart".心隔膜缺陷有时被称为“心脏内的一个洞”。A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.视力上的缺陷使他不能准确对焦。Not all these shortcomings stem from inadequate resources.这些缺陷并非都源自资源不足。Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals.体制中存在的缺陷为金融丑闻的出现提供了土壤。A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.某厂家由于疏忽,制造并销售了一款刹车系统存在缺陷的汽车。Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.环保主义者称这个条约存在根本性的缺陷I failed in my career as a writer of fiction entirely because of deficiencies in the education system.我的小说作家生涯失败了,原因完全是因为教育体制的缺陷A structural survey of the property revealed serious defects.对该房产的结构勘察显示其存在严重的缺陷The scheme was fatally flawed.这个方案有致命缺陷Closer investigation showed a flaw in this theory.进一步的调查研究表明这个理论有一个缺陷Amnesty says there are fundamental flaws in their military justice system.国际特赦组织称他们的军事司法体系存在着根本性的缺陷There are several deficiencies in his plan.他的计划中有几点缺陷There's a flaw in your plan.你的计划有个缺陷The plan contained a fatal flaw. 这一计划有个致命的缺陷For all the faults in our education system, it is still better than that in many other countries.尽管存在种种缺陷,我们的教育系统仍然比其他许多国家的要好。He concedes that there are imperfections in the system.他承认该制度存在缺陷The new law's failings could send many companies bankrupt.新法律的缺陷可能会使很多公司破产。A crack in the cup made it imperfect.杯子上的裂缝使它有了缺陷When the defective part was recalled, the company had to do some clever spin control.缺陷部件被召回时,这家公司不得不做点巧妙的舆论引导。The builders agreed to remedy the structural defects.建筑商答应纠正结构上的缺陷The plan looks good, but we've found/discovered some chinks in its armor.那个计划看上去很好,但我们却发现它有一些致命的缺陷The limited storage space in the house is offset by the large garage.巨大的车库弥补了房子存储空间不足的缺陷Fitted carpets hide a multitude of sins.大小合适的地毯可把地板上的种种缺陷都掩盖起来。He points out, quite rightly, that there are flaws in the theory.他指出那个理论存在缺陷,他是很有道理的。The engine has a serious fault.发动机有严重的缺陷There are weaknesses in the structure of the organization.该组织结构上有一些缺陷The committee is being urged to address failings in the law.敦促委员会着手处理该法律的缺陷Some hearing-impaired children may work harder to overcome their handicap.一些有听障的儿童可能需要花更大的力气来克服这一缺陷Metabolic disorders arise from a variety of genetic defects involving chemical pathways within cells.代谢疾病的产生源自体内涉及化学通路的基因的缺陷Stammering is probably an inherited defect.口吃很可能是一种遗传性缺陷The test soon revealed several inadequacies in the equipment.检测结果很快就显示出设备的好几处缺陷The deficiencies in this plan are clear.这一计划的缺陷是显而易见的。They spent ages picking over the flaws in his character.他们花了好长时间挑剔他性格上的缺陷He had surgery to correct a facial disfigurement.他做了手术来弥补自己的面部缺陷They examine their products for defects.他们检验产品是否存在缺陷The new technology has certain limitations.这项新技术存在一些缺陷The team's superb athleticism compensated for their lack of international experience.这个球队打法精湛,弥补了其国际比赛经验不足的缺陷The company has voluntarily recalled the product to check for defects.该公司主动召回产品检查缺陷




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