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It was alleged that the accused had created an alibi to save himself.据称被告编造了不在犯罪现场的证据为自己开释。He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework.他编造说狗吃了他的作业。All that gossip he told me about Melanie was pure invention.他对我说的所有关于梅拉尼的闲话纯属编造。They weaved a web of lies to fool the people.他们编造了一套谎言来愚弄人民。He would have to invent some alibi.他将不得不编造一些借口。My mother colluded in the myth of him as the stylish businessman.我妈妈和他一道,编造了他是一位潇洒商人的谎言。She made some feeble excuse about the car having broken down.她编造了汽车抛锚这么个蹩脚的理由。She'll cook up a convincing explanation.她会编造一个很有说服力的解释。I began to invent reasons for staying away from work.我开始编造理由不去上班。I think her backache was just a way of getting out of the housework.我想,她说背疼只不过是为了逃避做家务编造的借口罢了。His final refuge was a web of lies and deceit.他的最后一招就是编造一大篇谎言,蓄意欺骗。The author has woven an exciting tale of adventure and romance.作者编造了一个激动人心而又浪漫的历险故事。The press couldn't deal with that so they made up all this bull.新闻媒体无法应对此事,因此他们就编造了这通谎言。He made up a story to explain why he was absent.他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。Of course, it might all be complete fabrication.当然,这也许全都是编造出来的。He must have cooked up an alibi.他准是编造了案发时不在场的假证。Who manufactured the rumor?是谁编造这种谣言的? He had the magnanimity to forgive her for lying about him.她编造了关于他的谎言,但他大度地原谅了她。She has created her own mythology in the books.她在书中编造了自己的神话。The story was simply trumped up by him.这故事只不过是他编造出来的。The stories he told about his military service were just inventions.他讲的关于他服兵役的事纯属编造。They subsequently admitted that the story was pure invention.他们后来承认他们的说法纯属编造。They spun fantastic plans for a new world of music.她们编造了一套异想天开的音乐新世界计划。He's concocted an elaborate story about where he was that night.他已经为自己那天晚上的去向精心编造了一套谎话。She was caught in a mesh of her own lies.她陷入了自己编造的一个又一个谎言中。Grisham's new novel weaves a tale of mystery and suspense.格里森姆的新小说编造了一个极其神秘、充满悬念的故事。His explanation was pure invention.他的解释纯属编造。He cooked up this story that she was his illegitimate daughter.他编造了她是自己私生女的故事。There is simply no truth to Henry's story. It was his own concoction.那个故事不具有任何的真实性,它完全是亨利自己编造出来的。They quickly began spinning their own theories about the shooting.他们立即开始编造关于这次枪击事件的种种推测。They made up yet another excuse.他们又编造了一个借口。He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies.他编造了数不清的借口和谎话。She told me/invented/concocted a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.为了解释迟到的原因,她向我讲了/编造了一通没赶上公共汽车的鬼话。His mother inveigled him home on some excuse.他母亲编造了个借口骗他回家。The legends they weave offer valuable clues.他们编造的那些传说提供了有价值的线索。He invented some story about a cousin.他编造了自己有位堂兄如何如何的谎话。She made up a story to glamorize her romance.她编造了一个故事来让她的爱情看起来更辉煌。She's surely not so naive as to believe his story.她肯定不会轻信他编造的故事。His own books and memoirs are a farrago of half-truth and outright invention.他自己的书和回忆录都是混杂着半真半假的叙述文字和彻头彻尾的编造内容的大杂烩。He fabled about his lot.他编造自己的身世。 |