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词汇 编成
例句 The students formed into three groups.学生们编成三组。The various heart conditions can be programed onto cassettes that are activated by a button.心脏的各种情况可编成程序,录在用电钮启动的盒式磁带上。The piece was scored for two pianos and a baritone.那部乐曲被编成由两架钢琴和一支上低音号演奏的总谱。Her hair was twisted into a plait on top of her head.她的头发被编成一条辫子盘在头顶。The platoon formed into open order.这个排编成疏开队形。Indian units were brigaded with British ones.印度部队和英国部队合编成旅。It was made entirely of cane.那完全是用藤条编成的。She braided the horse's tail.她把马尾巴编成辫。The girl twisted her hair into a braid.这女孩把头发编成一条辫子。She wore her hair in a long braid. 她把头发编成长辫子。The stories of their lives were transmuted into works of fiction.他们的人生经历被编成了一部部小说。The message was coded.信息被编成了密码。My basket is woven from splints.我的篮子是用薄木条编成的。We got to work on putting the book together.我们得努力编成这本书。Leather was braided to make handles for evening bags.皮革被编成辫状来制作晚宴包的提手。She wove episodes from many sources into a single narrative.她将许多不同来源的片段编成了一个故事。Joanna parted her hair, and then began to plait it into two thick braids.乔安娜将头发分开,然后开始把它编成两条粗辫子。The comedian did a funny bit about taking his daughter to the dentist.那个喜剧演员把他带女儿看牙医的经过编成了一个小品。We must collect and card our own material.我们必须自己搜集资料并编成卡片。She plaited the horse's tail.她把马尾巴编成辫。The convention codified the rules of war.公约把有关战争的条例编成了法典。She twisted flowers into a wreath.她将花编成了一个花环。Programmers coded the data.程序员们把数据编成了指令。The splendid choreography was by Ann-Marie Brady.这套杰出的舞步是由安玛丽·布雷迪编成的。They braided the ribbons.他们把丝带编成辫状。She twined the flowers into a garland.她把这些花编成花环。The finely twined baskets are made with young, pliable spruce roots.这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。Ropes are braided from the wool.绳子是用羊毛编成的。The author wove the incidents together into one story.作者把那些事件编成一个故事。The binoculars resolved the grey moving dot into swarms of airplanes moving north in tight V's.双筒望远镜辨析出那移动的灰色圆点是一群群编成紧密人字队形向北飞行的飞机。He was trying to piece up a story with data gathered from various sources.他正试著用从各方面搜集来的资料编成一篇故事。They wore garlands of summer flowers in their hair.他们头戴用夏季鲜花编成的花环。The students formed themselves into four groups.学生们把自己编成四组。




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