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词汇 cracking
例句 Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.不断变化的应力导致更多的断裂和岩石变形。The car's paint is cracking.这辆车的涂层开裂了。A teenager was accused of cracking into the company's network.一名青少年被指控非法侵入该公司的计算机系统。Come on! - get cracking. I want this whole house clean by the time I get back.快点!赶紧动手,我要你们在我回来的时候把屋子全部打扫干净。Police forces will exchange ideas on cracking crime.警察部门将就打击犯罪活动交换意见。She set off at a cracking pace and didn't ease off till she had gone five miles.她出发的时候速度很快,直到走了五英里才减速。His habit of cracking his knuckles bothered her.他啪啪地掰压指关节的习惯让她很厌烦。He had an irritating habit of cracking his knuckles.他有一个把指关节弄得噼啪作响的烦人习惯。I think we need to get cracking if we're going to catch this train.如果我们要赶上这班火车的话,我觉得我们需要抓紧时间了。There was a loud cracking noise and then the chair collapsed.哗啦一声巨响,椅子就散架了。There has been a lot of drinking. We are cracking down now. Anyone who gets caught is fired.最近有很多人喝酒。我们现在要开始严惩。抓住一个解雇一个。Some countries are showing signs of cracking under intense pressure from the United States.在美国的强大压力下,一些国家显露出屈服的迹象。Authorities are cracking down on companies that pollute.当局正在竭力取缔污染企业。He is under a lot of pressure but is showing no signs of cracking.他的压力很大,但还没看出他吃不消。You ought to get cracking on that assignment. 你该开始这项工作了。He thought he'd never get through the ordeal without cracking up.他觉得自己即使能躲过这一劫也要变疯了。You'd better get cracking, the sooner the better.你应该动手了,越快越好。He was very relaxed, smiling and cracking jokes.他很放松,微笑着并说着笑话。When Alf arrives we'll get cracking moving the furniture.阿尔夫到达以后,我们将赶紧动手搬家具。The film belts along at a cracking pace.影片节奏紧凑。He kept cracking jokes about my appearance.他老是拿我的长相开玩笑。The application of a wet cloth will prevent cracking.敷上一块湿布可防止出现开裂。Only by cracking down on dealers, can we stop young people getting involved with drugs.只有严厉打击贩毒分子,我们才能阻止青少年吸毒。The comics spent the evening cracking jokes and zinging each other.喜剧演员们整晚都在开玩笑,相互戏弄。Mark, you'd better get cracking, the sooner the better.马克,你最好尽快开始,越快越好。I think Paul's cracking up under the strain of work.我觉得在这种工作压力下,保罗快垮掉了。It's a cracking novel.这是一本很精彩的小说。We've got two cracking games to look forward to.我们在期待着两场精彩的比赛。The horses set off at a cracking pace around the track.马儿开始绕着跑道迅速奔跑。He has an annoying/irritating habit of cracking his knuckles.他有个坏毛病,喜欢把手指关节按得咯咯响。She's always cracking wise.她爱说俏皮话。Cricket bats should be oiled to stop the wood drying out and cracking.板球拍应该上油以防止木头干燥开裂。Sun removes the oil and wax, leaving the leather prone to cracking.阳光晒掉了皮革上的油和蜡,使皮革容易破裂。Busby maintained a cracking pace.巴斯比保持了极快的速度。We'll have to get cracking if we want to get there before dark.我们如果想在天黑前赶到那儿就得赶快动身。Wooden decks should be sealed to prevent cracking.木板平台应该刷防护漆防止开裂。Fred keeps cracking rude jokes with the guests.弗雷德不停地和客人们开着粗俗的玩笑。He scored with a cracking shot into the back of the goal.他一脚漂亮的射门,将球踢入网底。Fatigue cracking in solder could degrade product performance.焊料中的疲劳开裂会降低产品的性能。They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking.它们可以经受住极端气温和天气变化的考验,不会发生褪色和破裂。




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