例句 |
Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.现代耕作方法导致许多种野花完全绝种了。These rocks contain the fossilised remains of extinct animals.这些岩石中有绝种动物遗骸的化石。Mountain gorillas are on the verge of extinction.山地大猩猩几乎绝种。Apes are in danger of extinction猿类正处于绝种的危险之中。The native chestnut is not extinct.土生的栗树并没有绝种。Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will die out.我们现在若不采取措施,数百种动植物都会绝种。The dinosaurs disappeared long ago.恐龙很久以前就绝种了。These gigantic creatures became extinct in the Jurassic period.这些巨型动物在侏罗纪时期绝种了。 |