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词汇 结识
例句 Lotte's one of my oldest friends.洛蒂是我结识最久的老朋友之一。I made the acquaintance of Tom when on holiday in Spain.我是在西班牙度假时结识汤姆的。She came at the beck of a youth whom she had known for only one month.一个她结识才一个月的男青年一召,她就来了。At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of a young American actor.在酒店里,我结识了一位年轻的美国演员。The more of them I met, the more I realized this was an untold story.我和他们的人结识得越多,越发认识到这是一个未为人知的故事。His new behaviour offered no purchase for extending acquaintance.他最近的行为使他无法结识更多的人。I met him through work.我在工作中结识了他。I met up with Mick Burke in the camp.我在营地结识了米克·伯克。I met her towards the end of my stay in L.A.我在洛杉矶逗留,快要离开时结识了她。She's looking forward to meeting new friends.她盼望着结识新朋友。I got a lot of pleasure from meeting the people on my course.我从结识选修我课程的那些人中感受到了许多乐趣。Pam turned up at the party with her new toy boy.帕姆带着她新结识的小情人出现在聚会上。We met at a reading of his poetry.我们在他的一次诗歌朗诵会上结识He misses his comrades from his days in the Army.他想念服役时结识的战友。He picked up a girl in the movies.他在电影院里结识了一个姑娘。I like meeting new people.我喜欢结识新的人。The conference provided us with an ideal opportunity to meet new people.会议为我们提供了结识新朋友的绝佳机会。He joined a local activists' group, hoping to meet like-minded people. 他加入了当地一个积极分子团体,希望结识志同道合的人。Her experience of men was of domination and brutality.她所结识的男人都专横和粗暴。She met her husband during her stint at the London office.她在伦敦办事处任职期间结识了她丈夫。We just bought a house here last month, and we're still getting to know our neighbors. 我们上个月在这里刚买了房,现在还在结识邻居。He delights in meeting new people.他以结识新人为乐。Hammer's business pedigree almost guaranteed him the acquaintance of U.S. presidents.哈默的商业背景几乎保证了他能够结识美国总统。Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi's world.伊丽莎白结识了其他一些牛津大学的学者,其中有几位娜奥米也认识。He has a numerous acquaintance among politicians.结识了不少政界人士。After the diagnosis, getting to know Mary was his salvation.调查分析一番之后,他意识到结识玛丽是他唯一的出路。While oldie women want to meet oldie men, oldie men unfortunately don't want to meet oldie women.上了年纪的女人想结识上了年纪的男人,但遗憾的是,上了年纪的男人却不想结识上了年纪的女人。The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.其目的是促使人们结识邻居。The name of the game is getting to know the right people.重点是要去结识关键人物。She met people in London who were sympathetic to the Indian freedom struggle.她在伦敦结识了一些支持印度独立运动的人。He has picked up with a bad bunch of people.结识了一伙坏人。She loved travel, meeting people from other cultures and finding out about their way of life.她喜欢旅游、结识来自其他文化的人并了解他们的生活方式。I'd been looking forward to making her acquaintance for a long time.我很久以来一直盼望着与她结识Taking up a sport is a neat way of meeting new people, and it's good for you too.参加一种体育活动是结识新朋友的简单又聪明的办法,还对健康有益。I met my future wife at a dance.我是在一个舞会上结识了我未来的妻子的。I was introduced to the artist, whom I was anxious to meet.我被介绍给那位我很想结识的艺术家。While she was in Paris, she associated with many well-known artists.她在巴黎的时候结识了许多知名艺术家。I would like to get acquainted with her.我很想结识她。We go to the club to see and be seen.我们到俱乐部去结识名流。I addressed their letters in care of the bars and clubs where I'd known them.我把写给他们的信寄往我们结识时的酒吧和俱乐部,请它们代为转交。




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