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词汇 经验
例句 Any smart employer would prefer to hire an experienced worker over an unknown.精明的雇主都更愿聘用有经验的工人而不是一无所知的人。My experience has prepared me for this ultimate challenge.我的经验已经帮我做好迎接这个终极挑战的准备。The book documents the post-war Chinese experience.这本书详细记载了中国的战后经验We're looking for someone with experience in administration.我们正在寻求一个有管理经验的人。Because of his adventures, he is a person of far greater experience and resourcefulness.诸多冒险经历使他的经验和智谋都要比别人高出一筹。Experienced snowboarders can zip downhill amazingly fast.经验的滑雪板运动员能够以极快的速度滑下山。He hasn't got enough experience for the job.对于这份工作他没有足够的经验An experienced engineer is in charge of the project.一位有经验的工程师负责这项工程。Most of them were so young they had hardly any experience.他们中的大多数人都很年轻,几乎没有什么经验From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him.根据过去的经验,她知道和他争论是没有用的。The applicant was completely/totally lacking in experience.那个申请人完全/根本没有经验They found a commonality in discussing their experiences.他们在讨论各自的经验时找到了共通性。Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work.我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验Success may depend upon such intangibles as talent and experience.成功也许需要依靠诸如天资和经验之类的无形资产。It would be a mistake to import experience blindly from other countries.盲目引进别国经验将是错误的。He's got the experience and the authority to carry it off.他有经验也有权力对付这个问题。He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme.他凭借曾经做过快艇驾驶员的经验制作了一档纪实节目。I'm speaking from experience, having been there often.因为经常去那儿,我就说说自己的经验I should not be in any danger here, but experience has taught me caution.我在这里应该不会有任何危险,但是经验告诉我要小心。We will all profit from the experience.我们大家都将从这一次经验中得到好处。Being a parent isn't easy, as I know from experience.据我的经验,当父母并不容易。We were impressed by the depth of her experience/knowledge.她丰富的经验/渊博的知识给我们留下了深刻的印象。Our experience in developing custodial facilities goes back over a decade.我们开发监禁设施已经有十多年的经验She was talking from her own experience of the problem.她从自己的经验体会出发讲了这个问题。Angie did a really good interview, but they gave the job to someone with more experience.安吉面试表现很好,但是他们却把职位给了更有经验的人。In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had any experience of the radar system in use at the time of the crash.报告披露,在撞机事故发生时,飞行员和调度员对正在使用的雷达系统都没有任何经验Owen had talent in spades but barely any experience.欧文非常有天赋,但几乎没有什么经验The slope was challenging for even the most experienced climbers.即使对于最具经验的攀爬者,这个陡坡也有很大难度。She has all the right experience, so she ought to make an excellent manager.她具备所有相关的经验,所以她应该能当一名出色的经理。The lesson Kodak learned is that you can't just downsize your way to profit and success.柯达学到的经验是:公司不可能单单通过裁员获得利润和成功。They could widen their experience by going on a course.他们可以通过上课来增加经验She knew from experience that Dave was about to tell her the truth.经验告诉她戴夫就要对她说出实情了。The gap between theoreticians and empiricists has widened.理论研究者和经验主义者之间的鸿沟加深了。She'll do better with the benefit of more experience.如果有更多的经验,她将做得更好。He was young and untried, with no reputation of his own.他年纪轻、经验浅而且本身没名气。The new prime minister is a man with little international experience.新首相是一位没有多少国际事务经验的人。He brings a wealth of experience to the cooperative.他给合作社带来许多经验We all gained from the experience.我们都从这次经验中获益。Gillian is passing on some of her priceless skill and experience.吉莉恩正在传授她那宝贵的技术和经验Every player's performance will tend to improve with experience and training.随着经验和训练的增加,每位演奏者的演奏水平都将会提高。




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