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词汇 经济方面
例句 They have been galvanized into collective action, militarily, politically, and economically.他们受到激励,在军事、政治和经济方面采取了集体行动。An efficient public transport system makes sense both environmentally and economically.高效的公共交通系统无论是在环境保护方面还是在经济方面都是有意义的。Today he was able to focus his message exclusively on the economy.今天他得以将主题全部集中在经济方面Judge us on the improvements we make in the economy.请对我们在经济方面取得的进步作评价。Mr Prime Minister, I have a question about the economy.首相先生,我有一个经济方面的问题。And last, I'd like to consider the economic aspect.最后,我想讨论一下经济方面的问题。The bad economic news is forcing many people to reappraise their investment strategies.这则经济方面的坏消息迫使许多人重新考虑自己的投资策略。The book explores the racial and economic divisions in/of our society.这本书剖析了我们社会中种族和经济方面的分歧。Often there are emotional reasons paralleling the financial ones.往往情感方面的原因和经济方面原因同时存在。It is assumed that all of us are so economically illiterate.人们想当然地认为我们都是经济方面的外行。In financial terms, the project was not a success.经济方面来说,这个项目并不成功。However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic.然而,这种提议的根据当然并不仅仅是经济方面的。Even the administration's most vocal critics agree that the President has succeeded in stabilizing the economy.即便是对政府最不留情面的批评家也承认总统在稳定经济方面已经获得成功。The good economic news caused share prices to rise smartly this afternoon.这条经济方面的好消息使得今天下午的股票价格猛涨。The public is being fed contradictory messages about the economy.经济方面,公众不断听到互相矛盾的一些说法。Their difficulties are financial rather than marital.他们面临的困难是经济方面的,与婚姻无关。




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