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例句 The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.死去很久的武士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地区出没。The other girls used to make fun of the way she spoke.以前别的女孩子经常取笑她说话的方式。He often argued with his father.经常和他父亲争辩。She always gets very keyed up before an exam.她在考试前经常很紧张。A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿进食过程中或刚刚进食后经常会打嗝。When I was a child I used to imagine myself at the controls of a fighter plane.我小时候经常想象自己在驾驶一架战斗机。Teachers often play devil's advocate to provoke discussion in the classroom.老师经常故意唱反调激发课堂讨论。Peter had often been accused of levity, but this time he was in deadly earnest.皮特经常被指责说太轻浮,但这一次他却非常认真。Wallis was often abominably rude.沃利斯经常粗鲁得让人讨厌。I've heard a lot about his dancing - I'd love to see him in action.经常听人说起他的舞蹈天赋—我很想看他表演。Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.历史学家经常请求查阅收藏品。The book stays au courant by constant revision.这部书由于经常修订,所以一直能跟上时代。Regular viewing of violent pornography desensitizes men to violence against women.经常观看暴力色情片会使男人在看到针对女人的暴力时无动于衷。The two women bickered constantly.这两个女人经常发生口角。Requests to take foster children abroad are often vetoed by the biological parent.把收养的孩子带到国外去的请求经常遭到亲生父母的反对。I often meet useful people at parties, so I combine business with pleasure.经常在聚会上遇到能用得上的人,所以我是正事消遣两不误。He's inclined to arrive late.经常迟到。They say eagles used to nest in those rocks.他们说鹰以前经常把巢筑在那些岩石中。He gave me a real earful about being late so often.他着实斥责了我一顿,说我经常迟到。Women often have to surmount social barriers to advance their careers.妇女经常得克服各种社会阻力去发展她们的事业。Regular exercise is good for you. 经常锻炼对你有好处。They are frequent/regular attenders at the church.他们经常/定期去教堂做礼拜。They've had a lot of trouble with their car.他们的车子经常出毛病。Our views on childcare often conflict.我们经常在照顾孩子的观点上互相抵触。It is a paradox that computers need maintenance so often, since they are meant to save people time.电脑是用来节省人们的时间的,但它们需要经常维护,这真是自相矛盾的事。Radio transmissions were often cut off or unintelligible.无线电传送经常会出现中断或信号模糊。I've been seeing her a lot recently.我最近经常见到她。His parents often did without lunch or supper so that he could have more.他的父母经常不吃午饭或晚饭,好让他可以多吃一点。Inner-city kids often join gangs for protection, and for the chance to make money by selling drugs.旧城区的孩子经常加入团伙寻求保护,以及寻找出售毒品挣钱的机会。Television quiz shows often seem to target the lowest common denominator.电视问答竞赛节目似乎经常以迎合大众的趣味为目标。Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals.正如身体需要经常锻炼一样,发动机也需要每隔一段时间就运转一下。They are often available at a discount.它们经常进行打折销售。He often walked in his sleep as a child.他小时候经常梦游。English teachers often joked that they could not pass the exam, but for the students it was no laughing matter.英语老师经常开玩笑说他们不能通过这次考试,可是对学生来说那可不是说着玩的。Sports players often train by skipping.运动员经常通过跳绳进行训练。He would often feign illness to get out of class.经常装病逃课。She had missed her usual train.她错过了经常乘坐的那趟火车。One cable was damaged, which was causing the machine to shut down frequently.有一根电缆受损,造成机器经常关闭。Shopping mall developers often hire dummy buyers to purchase land without revealing the true purpose of the acquisition.大型购物中心的开发商经常雇挂名买家来买地,以掩饰其收购的真正目的。Computer viruses are at the very least annoying and often actually destructive.计算机病毒少说也很烦人,实际上还经常具有破坏性。




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