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词汇 终将
例句 Tyranny reacts upon the tyrant.暴君终将被暴虐葬送。He'll eventually overcome the sting of being rejected.终将抹去被拒绝的伤痛。This war will end eventually, and when that day comes, we will all be profoundly thankful.这场战争终将结束,当那一天来临,我们大家都会深感庆幸。The mighty man shall be humbled.权力极大的人终将变得卑贱。Successful sales staff will outrank less successful workers, regardless of qualifications.不管资历如何,业绩好的销售人员终将比业绩差的级别高。We'll make a footballer of you yet.我们终将把你培养成一名足球运动员。McLeish is aware that any acclaim is bound to be muted.麦克利什明白任何赞誉都终将归于平静。Common sense must prevail in the end.常识终将获胜。He felt it was his destiny to be famous.他觉得自己终将成名。Opera will never cease to be a hothouse plant until a wider public appreciates it.歌剧如果不能让更广大的公众欣赏,那么终将是一株温室里的弱苗。People who run up big debts eventually have to face the consequences.欠下大笔债务的人终将要面对恶果。You will eventually reap the benefit of your labour.终将收获自己的劳动成果。In the end the Volga's waters will run dry.伏尔加河水终将干涸。A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.那片区域里的大部分海豚终将死去。The truth will out.真相终将大白。We look forward to the day when leprosy will be extirpated.我们期待着麻风病终将绝迹的一天。In the end, good shall triumph over evil.善良终将战胜邪恶。She cherished the hope that he would come back to her some day.她希望他终将回到她的身边。In all relationships some desire will inevitably fade.在所有恋情中,激情都终将消退。Be of good faith. Together we'll win through.要增强信心。我们终将有共获成功之日。




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